• CONGRATULATIONS to Our “Wits & Wagers Family Game” Winner!

    The name has been drawn for the giveaway!


    Ashley Genovese

    for winning a copy of

    Wits & Wagers Family Game by North Star Games!

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    Enjoy Playing Your New Game!

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    *Giveaway must be claimed within 5 business days of the prize being announced.  Failure to claim the prize within the allotted time frame means you forfeit the prize.

  • Game: “Wits & Wagers Family” by North Star Games

    Are you looking for a great family game?  Awhile ago our family received the game Wits & Wages as a birthday gift, since then we had played the game MANY times.  So much that several our family and friends have purchased the game as well for their families.  We were over….the…top….excited to receive Wits & Wagers Family by North Star Games to play!

    Our family has enjoyed playing the Wits & Wagers Family game together.  It is a wonderful family friendly trivia game that is fun for the entire family.  The four of us played several rounds over the last month with each game being about 30 minutes long.  The recommended ages for the game is 8 and up but our girls (who are 7) had a blast playing it too.

    We have the original Wits & Wagers game and felt like the Wits & Wagers Family was geared more to a younger audience.  The questions were easy enough for the kids to answer, but were not so easy that the adults knew all the answers.  The topics were about items that appealed to kids as well.  For example, a couple of the questions were along the lines of “How many colors of Fruit Loop cereal are there?” or “In feet how wide is the pitchers mound?”

    The game is lighthearted and full of fun facts.  You don’t need to know all the right answers in order to score some points.  In Wits & Wagers Family you can only gain positive points with your “Meoples” and for having the closest answer without going over which makes it easier for the younger kids who are playing the game.  I love that the game encourages you to learn some interesting facts which makes it educational for the whole family.  The game is fairly quick, enjoyable, and almost anyone can play it.

    The only thing that I was surprised about with this game is the amount of questions.  The original Wits & Wagers has 7 questions and answers per card (which we went through fairly quickly because we played the game often) with Wits & Wagers Family there are only 2 questions and answers per card so you go through the deck much faster.  I think offering an expansion pack with more questions would provide additional value to this game.

    This game has provided a lot of great entertainment for our family.  It has been wonderful being able to sit down after dinner and play a round of Wits & Wagers Family together.  The time spent playing this game with our family has allowed us to create memories while while helping us unwind, laugh, and relax after our busy days.

    If you are looking for a game that the whole family will enjoy you should check out Wits & Wagers Family or better yet come on over and play a round with us.  The rounds go pretty fast and you may be surprised at how much you’ll learn.  Who knows…..you may even find yourself having a little fun along the way!  🙂

    You can purchase this game at major retailers like Books-A-Million, Target, or local game stores found on North Star Games retailer locator.  To learn more about the game and those who created it you can visit North Star Games website.  You can get the most update to date information on North Star Games by following them Facebook and Twitter.

    Disclosure:  A special thanks to North Star Games, specifically Dominic Crapuchettes and Luke Warren, for the providing this game for review purposes.  The opinions I have expressed are my own.