• Creative Kids: Toy Bucket Ride

    Brina and Karlie emptied the toy buckets and took them for a spin around the room

    Life is never boring with kids around.  While playing they often come up with some creative ways to find a little extra entertainment.  The other day as I was busy getting some stuff done around the house I heard a bunch of giggles.  As I go to check out what they are up to I found that they had emptied their toy buckets and were rolling around the room in them.

    Karlie giggling and spinning in circles in the toy bucket

    It was pretty funny watching them spin in circles around the room all tucked up in the buckets.  Their hair was completely crazy with static and there were plenty of giggling going on too.  It is amazing how something so simple can entertain the kids for a long time.

    Brina with very static hair but having a blast rolling around in the empty toy bucket

    This fun activity entertained the kids for quite some time.  After their adventure of rolling around in the buckets they put the toys back into the buckets.  Wouldn’t it be great to be able to tuck our bodies in a bucket and spin around the room!

    Karlie having a blast rolling around in the empty toy bucket

    Sometimes it is the simplest things in life that can provide the most enjoyment and you probably have the items right in your house.  I love it when the girls use their imagination and come up with fun activities on their own.  Life is short and sweet so why not have a little fun too!  What creative entertainment have your kids come up with recently?