• Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center (Portage, Alaska)

    Our family had the opportunity to visit Alaska on our summer family vacation.  We flew into Anchorage, Alaska and took a bus tour form Anchorage down to Seward, Alaska to meet our cruise ship.  On the way to Seward we stopped to visit the Alaska Wildlife Conservatory Center, Mile 79 Seward Highway, Portage, Alaska 99587.

    It was a cloudy and drizzly day, but that didn’t stop us and the area as well as the animals were still amazing.  The landscape was beautiful even on the cool rainy day.  Thankfully it was a light mist not a downpour while we were at the Wildlife Center.  The kids loved seeing all the animals  It was a neat place to stop and soak in some of the animals and information about Alaska.  I would recommend it especially for families with kids.  There is a little bit of walking, but not a lot.


     Gorgeous views of the mountains and animals lounging in their pen


     Deer in the headlight look…..


     Life is rough…..eat and nap!


     Beautiful view of the mountains (even gorgeous in the mist that day)!


     The animals were very content and well cared for at the Wildlife Conservatory!


    Brina attempting to run a bobsled


    Little Kitty!


    On the move!


    Makes neck hurt just looking at those antlers this guy has to support!


    Peaceful stream flowing through the pasture for the animals


    I know the snow on those mountains must be cold, but the snow, mountains, and fog really were amazing!


    Karlie and a very large bison hide!


    Checking things out!


    They had a neat bridge overlooking the bear pends which made it easier for people to see them.


    Black bear relaxing for a few minutes!


    Thankful for an opportunity to spend time with my family seeing this beautiful place and animals!

  • Travel & Vacation: Colorado Rocky Mountain Wildlife


    Elk lounging around near where we parked

    I was going back over some trips that we had taken in the last few years when I came across a trip we took with my parents from Kansas to Colorado.  There were a lot of fun activities and adventures from that trip so I thought I would share a little bit with you and maybe you will see something you might want to do with your family.  I grew up going to Colorado for summer camp and vacation so I have made a few trips through the Rocky Mountains.

    On this particular trip it was the girls first time in the Colorado Rockies.  They loved it and thought it was amazing the number of animals that we saw on the side of the road and near where we were walking around.  All of these animals were in their native wildlife settings, however, some were pretty close to local towns and hiking trails.  They didn’t seem disturbed at all by us taking their pictures.  We did keep a safe distance away just in case (we didn’t want to upset any of the animals).


    The one on the left is the same one as in the first picture, but if you look closely to the right under the tree is another elk.  These were spotted next to the parking lot where our car was in near Estates Park.


     Mountain goat must have found something tasty to eat on the side of the road.


     He looked up briefly to look at us and went back to eating again.


     This little bird was making all kinds of noise on our hike and picnic.


     There are chipmunks everywhere.  You are not suppose to feed them, but they are very commonly seen around picnic areas scavenging for bits of food.


     Two chipmunks hanging out on a ledge together


     The girls want to pet or pick these little cute chipmunks up, but they are not tame and it wouldn’t be safe either.  They were fun to watch scurrying around.


     Elk sitting at the edge of the mountain looking down on the valley.  It didn’t even turn to look at us.


     Two elk eating food near where we were hiking.


     Several hours later after our hiking, exploring, picnic, and other adventures we came back down the mountain and it looked like the same goat was still eating from the same area near the road.  He must have found a lot of good food in that area!


    A lot of places in the area have hummingbird feeders.  If you want a few minutes you will see them coming and going.  They are fast and pretty neat to watch.

    The “Travel and Vacation” series is an insight into our trips together as a family, ways we relax, and tips on how to make trips more enjoyable.  Life is short and we were thrilled to have the opportunity to build memories with family and explore of of the most amazing places during our time away.  Explore with a good attitude, look for fun, and it will be an awesome trip jammed packed with positive memories.  It is refreshing having some time away from the regular routine.  Make it a once in a lifetime opportunity to meet new people and learn.  You just might see or try something new that takes your breath away!

  • Travel & Vacation: Daniel Island Historical Markers & Bike Path (Daniel Island, SC)


     Beautiful paved Daniel Island bike and walking path

    We love visiting Daniel Island!  Over the past few years we have been several times and it seems like every time we find something new to explore on this island on the outskirts of Charleston, SC.  On one of our trips we took our bikes with us and found a lot of neat places to ride around town. The kids favorite place to ride their bikes was around the cement and paved path in Smythe Lake Park around a little lake in near the Pirates Cove Playground The last time we brought our bikes we would ride around the lake, play for a little bit at the playground, and ride around the lake again.

    The scenery around the lake is beautiful.  On our first pass around the bike and walking trail we noticed Daniel Island Historical Markers along the way.  It was a lot of fun to stop at each one and read about the history of Daniel Island.  We saw some wildlife on our adventures too from alligators to ducks and more!  We got our exercise and learn more about Daniel Island throughout our excursions that day.


     Biking around the lake


     On of the historical signs along the biking and walking path – “A Proprietary Governor


     “Slave Life on Daniel Island”


     We had a friend sunning himself along the biking trail.  Needless to say we didn’t stop to see if he wanted to play.  Always best to leave the wildlife alone!


     “Making Bricks”


     “Tenants & Truck Farmers”


     “Harry Frank Guggenheim”


     Friendly ducks swimming and finding little fish to eat.

     The “Travel and Vacation” series is an insight into our trips together as a family and ways we relax.  Life is short and we were thrilled to have the opportunity to build memories with family and explore of of the most amazing places during our time away.  Explore with a good attitude, look for fun, and it will be an awesome trip jammed packed with positive memories.  It is refreshing having some time away from the regular routine.  Make it a once in a lifetime opportunity to meet new people and learn.  You just might see or try something new that takes your breath away!

  • Travel & Vacation: Colorado Wildlife


    Yes, there are bears near Estes Park!  We were driving and saw this guy across the river from us.

    We went on a road trip through the Rocky Mountains.  On our adventures we saw several animals.  The girls were thrilled to see so many neat animals that we don’t see everyday in South Carolina.  We went up through Estes Park, Colorado and made several stops throughout the day.  Thankful for some fun with family.


    Caught a quick picture of these critters as we were driving past.  Love that they are munching right off the road and hanging out near a patch of beautiful wild sunflowers.


    We drove past a field full of goats.  The girls were fascinated and excited!  They thought it was so cool that someone had so many goats.


    The brown speckled goat in the picture is not eating, she is checking out her newly born twin baby goats.  We could see glimpses of the baby goats, but I couldn’t get a close picture of the twin baby goats because their was an electric fence and the grass was too high.  They were tiny and adorable trying to stand up on their own.   The really cool part is that while we were there with our twin girls there was another set of twins watching twin goats being born on National Twin Day.  What is the likelihood that would happen, ha!


    Brina really wanted to take this little chipmunk home with her.  It may look cute….


    Ducks swimming around on the lake!


    The girls thought the ducks with the blue feathers were super cute!


    This little guy can up to say “hi” to me.  I think he was hoping for a treat!


    Hummingbirds are always fascinating to watch!


    This one about landed on my Dad’s finger.  So cool seeing their wings fluttering so quickly.


    Our wild bear!  The girls were super excited to see the bear!


          Munching on berries and relaxing on the rock.

  • Travel & Vacation: Smithsonian Institution – National Museum of Natural History


    Standing at the banister looking down on the elephant and floors below.

    The girls were thrilled to go to the Smithsonian Institution National Museum of Natural History.  Brina especially loves anything associated to animals.  Since we did the Smithsonian Institution of National Air and Space Museum yesterday we thought this will be a great next adventure.  Thankful for some fun times together!


     Touring the National Museum of Natural History


    OOOOOOOUCH Karlie!  This one has a lot of teeth!


    Brina and Jake checking out the armadillo shell!


    Doing their names with stamp calligraphy


     Having fun exploring with my Brina Bee


    Brina reading the sign and soaking it all in


    Learning more about animals


    Wow!  Some cool looking animals!


    One big giraffe


    Checking out the fun displays


    They had a huge elephant in the middle foyer of the building.


    Touching a piece of rock from Mars…..fascinating!


    Karlie thought this rock was so cool


    Whoa….look at those rocks!


    The Hope Diamond is a 45.52-carat dark blue diamond.  It has traveled from India to France to Britain and now the United States.  The Hope Diamond is also described as the “most famous diamond in the world.”


    It looks like the elephant is coming toward them!


    Super excited to visit the Smithsonian Institution – National Museum of Natural History