• The Fast Metabolism Diet by Haylie Pomroy


    A few weeks ago I got a book from SheSpeaks called The Fast Metabolism Diet by Haylie Pomroy.  Haylie Pomroy is a celebrity nutritionist and wellness consultant.  She has Grammy and Academy Awards winners to Super Bowl champions and Olympic athletic clients that she has helped, including Jennifer Lopez, Reese Witherspoon, Cher, Raquel Welch, Robert Downey Jr., and more.  Her nickname is the “metabolism whisperer” because she has helped numerous clients lose weight, enhance their health, and meet their personal goals.   She currently has integrative healthcare clinics in Beverly Hills, Burbank, Irvine, and Fort Collins.

    Food is not the enemy, it’s medicine needed to rev up sluggish, broken-down metabolisms and turn bodies into fat-burning machines! – Haylie Pamroy

    The  book came during a very busy time with our family so it took me a little longer to read the book and get prepared so I could start the plan.  After reading the book I wrote out my meal plans for the entire week and went shopping.  I have to admit the planning and shopping took me a lot longer, especially the first week.   I am about done with my first full week and the recipes overall have been really good.  I did find a couple here and there that were not my favorite so I picked another one to try out the next day and saved a few new ones for next week. I really like that she gives a lot of variety in her recipes.  She also does a great job explaining the science behind it in her book.

    A little more about the Fast Metabolism Diet:

    • It is four weeks (28 days) of fat-burning meal plans with more than fifty recipes (includes vegetarian, organic, and gluten-free options too).
    • No need to count a single calorie or fat gram.
    • Rotate what you’re eating to induce precise physiological changes that set your metabolism on fire.
    • Haylie Pomroy has over seventeen years experience helping people lose weight, improve fertility, overcome health challenges, and reach optimal health while still enjoying real food and not going hungry
    • Going through the plan you will lose weight and feel better, plus you may also see your cholesterol drop, your blood sugar stabilize, your sleep improve, and your stress level decrease as well
    • Eat a variety of real, delicious, and satisfying food.
    • Drink half your body weight in ounces of water each day

    There are three phases you will go through every week.  She recommends you start on Monday, but you can do whatever day of the week works best for your schedule.

    • PHASE ONE (Monday-Tuesday): Lots of carbs and fruits (Phase 1 is for the carb lovers, fruits, pasta, rice, bread, crackers and pretzels, and includes a cardio workout).
    • PHASE TWO (Wednesday-Thursday): Lots of proteins and veggies (Phase 2 is focuses more on muscle building, giving you foods that include lean proteins and targeted vegetables and includes a weight lifting workout).
    • PHASE THREE (Friday-Saturday-Sunday): Some of the food from phases 1 & 2 plus healthy fats and oils (In phase 3 your your body is ready to enable the “thermogenic three – hormones, heart, and heat”  I like the the workout for this phase, it includes yoga or relaxing massage or deep breathing exercises)
    • Repeat for four weeks!

    The first week has been crazy busy, but I have managed to stay on track.  I have been prepping the breakfast, snacks, and lunch the night before so that it will help during the busy days.  So far on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday I have made dinner those nights and saved the leftovers for the next night to cut down on all the cooking.  Any leftovers for each phase I have been freezing for another night later in the month.

    I did have a small headache at the end of the first two days, but I am not sure if that was allergies or my body adjusting to the new foods.  I was really hoping that I would feel awesome with a ton of energy within the first a couple of days, instead I think I was actually a little more tired (but it was a really busy week with Jake out of town and starting a new meal plan).

    I have been keeping the book on the kitchen counter for reference to the recipes and made myself a little chart to remind me what food groups I need to eat on which days and what to pick for each meal and snack.  Also, the night before when I am prepping for the next day I will write what I am planning on eating for the next day on a sticky note as a quick reminder.  It has gone pretty smoothly and since I have been cooking the main meal for the entire family it has been neat to hear their reactions, they have enjoyed all the recipes (one night the girls had 2 bowls of soup)! 🙂

    Most of my shopping has been done at Trader Joe’s, Aldi’s and some at Whole Foods.  Finding some of the foods took awhile at first and I noticed a difference in prices from store to store, but it is worth it if it means I am healthy and have more energy in the long run.  At least for our area I found that Trader Joe’s and Aldi’s had the best prices (I think they are part of the same parent company too).

    I have already planned out my menu for next week, went shopping, and am looking forward to seeing what it brings.   Hopefully, I can stay on track and complete the full four week plan.  I already have several meals in the deep freezer for upcoming weeks so that should help with those busier days.  If I continue to plan ahead and prep the night before I think it could be very beneficial.  So far the food has been delicious and the bonus is its healthy for me too.

    More information about Haylie Pomroy:

    A special thanks to SheSpeaks and Haylie Pomroy for sponsoring this post!  Any specific product information was provided by Haylie Pomroy and SheSpeaks, however, the opinions expressed in this post are our own.  We received a complimentary copy of the book for sharing information and our family’s experience.

  • Honey & Lemon Sore Throat Remedy

    When you have a sore throat this is a great recipe to try.  The girls love it and makes them feel better.   A little bit of water, honey, and lemon helps coat the throat and soothes the pain.

    Honey & Lemon Sore Throat Remedy:

    • Hot Water
    • 1 teaspoon Lemon Juice (or fresh squeezed lemons)
    • 1 teaspoon Honey

    Fill a mug 3/4 full of hot water. Add equal amounts of lemon and honey.  Stir the lemon and honey until dissolved.

    The warm water, honey, lemon are soothing for the throat.  You can add a little more lemon and honey if you prefer.