• Welcome Ranch Horse Camp


    What a great week of fun and learning at Welcome Ranch!  Thanks Ms. Lisa!

     The girls were able to do a week of Horse Camp this summer at Welcome Ranch!  They always enjoyed getting there a few minutes early to say “hi” to all the farm animals on Ms. Lisa’s farm before camp started.  Both girls love horses and animals so camp is always an activity they look forward to during the summer.

    Welcome Ranch Horse Camp and East Coast Road Trip

    Brina on the move around the ring!


    Ready to ride?  Karlie all smiles while Brina holds one of the cats at the ranch!


    Karlie all decked out waiting for her turn to ride.  Ms. Lisa always has some special surprise or something different to do each day in addition to taking care of the horses and riding lessons.


    Brina leading the horse back to the barn!


    Finger painting their names and designs onto Reno, who was being a good sport standing still with all the kids around him!


    I didn’t get a picture of all their finger painted drawings, but I did get a shot of their names!

  • Family Fun at Welcome Ranch!


    Brina and Aunt Mirm swinging at Welcome Ranch

    We had the opportunity to spend an entire day with Jake’s sister Miriam and her family.  It was a fun day full of games, fun, good food, and we ended with a trip out to Welcome Ranch.  At Welcome Ranch we got to see a variety of farm animals, ride horses, go on a huge Radio Flyer Red Wagon, and have a pizza picnic at the ranch.  After all the fun at the ranch we wrapped it up with delicious ice cream at Bruster’s.  Thankful for some fun with extended family over the summer vacation.


    They had a baby goat names Eloise who was quite entertaining to watch.


     All the girls are ready to ride!


     Noah taking a turn on the horse.


     Karlie loving it!


     Uncle Paul was hilarious!


    Sweet Nadia had a blast and wasn’t even scared riding the big horse!


     Jake having fun!


     Noelle’s turn for a ride!


     Aunt Mirm all smiles!


    The kids in front of the giant red Radio Flyer wagon!  Awesome!


    Our families at Welcome Ranch!  Grateful for some fun time together this summer!

  • Family Celebrations: “Welcome Ranch” Birthday Party

    This year did the girls birthday party celebration at Welcome Ranch.  It was our first year doing their party outside of the house and after calling several locations we made the decision to do it at Welcome Ranch.  Brina and Karlie’s personalities and tastes are very different (one of the many joys of having twins), however, they both LOVE animals especially horses.  Jake and I booked the party and when we sat down to tell the girls they were thrilled.  They were okay that we wouldn’t be decorating the house since they would be riding horses for entertainment this year.  I think every day after telling them they would ask “Is it this week?”  When the day finally arrived they asked every few minutes “How much longer until we can ride the horses?”  Thankfully we had another activity planned with friends earlier that day so that distracted them for a couple hours.  They were very excited when we were on our way to the horse ranch to celebrate.  Here are a few pictures from our day at Welcome Ranch:

    The sign at the entrance of Welcome Ranch said "Happy Birthday Karlie 6 & Brina 6"

    The girls were thrilled to see their names on the BIG sign at the entrance of Welcome Ranch!  “We have never had such a BIG sign to wish us Happy Birthday!”  They were pleasantly surprised and excited!

    Brina and Karlie listening carefully to Ms. Lisa's instructions!

    Lisa did a wonderful job of getting the kids (and parents) attention while making the whole experience fun for everyone.  She even got a few laughs when explaining the rules.  Brina and Karlie were listening carefully so they wouldn’t miss out on anything!  They picked out their ranch hats earlier that week at Wilson’s Five & Dime store on Lauren’s Road.  I was surprised they wore the hats the entire time!

    Karlie and Brina leading the way with Ms. Lisa to the horses!

    On our way to ride the horses!  Karlie and Brina led everyone with Lisa to the horses.  They were ready to ride!

    Brina talking and riding Montana! Loving it!


    Karlie all smiles riding Chocolate their miniature horse!


    Brina having a blast at Welcome Ranch!


    Karlie riding with Daddy on Montana! Hang on tight kiddo!


    Brina LOVING her time with the horses!


    Karlie riding on Mickey!


    Brina riding like a pro on Mickey!!!


    Brina and Karlie riding together on Montana!


    Karlie riding on Chocolate!


    Mommy and Brina riding Montana!


    Karlie volunteering to ride again! Always ready for another turn on the horses!



    Brina going for another ride on Mickey!


    Brina and Karlie on top of the Firetruck!!!


    Karlie putting out the fire!


    Brina putting out the fire!


    Firetruck at Welcome Ranch


    Daddy putting out the final flames!


    One of their signs at Welcome Ranch, love it!


    Happy Birthday Brina and Karlie!!!


    Karlie and Brina taking the candles out of their cake!


    The birthday girls enjoying a slice of delicious cake - Brina and Karlie!


    The girls liked their cat - Supervisor! They thought his name was very funny!


    Karlie had so much fun she crashed in the van on the ride home, too funny!


    Brina playing with her toys on the way home, love the crazy hat hair!


    Skipper joining in the birthday fun by wearing Karlie's hat!

    The girls had a wonderful birthday party at Welcome Ranch!  Lisa, her Mom, and the crew did an amazing job.  The kids loved riding the horses petting the animals (goats, donkey, dogs, cats, etc…) eating pizza, drinking ice tea, koolaide, a delicious cake and enjoying time with their family and friends.  Thanks to Welcome Ranch for making their birthday extra special and memorable.  We had a lot of fun celebrating with everyone that came to their party.

    Happy 6th Birthday Brina and Karlie!

    WE LOVE YOU!!!