• Flashback Friday: Welcome Home Girls

    Welcome Home Brina and Karlie from Hospital Flashback 2005

    Girls packed up and ready to leave the hospital NICU and go home for the first time!

    Today’s Flashback Friday is the girls last day in NICU as they are bundled up and ready to come home.  They spent about a month in the hospital NICU.  The main reason they were there so long is that they were growing and learning how to suck and swallow.  They weren’t as excited about coming home as we were, ha!  By the time we got them bundled up in their carseats they were ready for a nap.  Thankful for the amazing nurses, doctors, and people who helped us during our stay in NICU.

    My parents and two youngest brothers were visiting the week that the girls came home from NICU.  It was nice having the extra help around the house and with the girls.  Thankful that we were able to get settled into home even if that meant we were on house arrest for the next few months.  They were itty-bitty when they were born (Brina 4.9 and Karlie 3.15)!

    D'Argo was waiting for usc

    Welcome Home sign hung up on the front porch with Dargo sitting on the porch waiting for us to come home.

    At home in our own crib (Brina and Karlie)c

    First nap together in their crib – Brina on left and Karlie on the right!

    Grandpa Russell Snuggling with Brinac

    Grandpa Russell and Brina taking a nap!

    Uncle Josh holding Karliec

    Uncle Josh rocking Karlie!

    Uncle Lee with Karlie and Uncle Josh with Brina trying out this whole feeding thingc

    Uncle Lee feeding Karlie and Uncle Josh feeding Brina.  It use to take them almost an hour to finish one small bottle with only 2 to 4 ounces in it.  They have come a long way!

    Grandma feeds Brinac

    Grandma Penny helping with the girls!

  • My Little Chef: Making Blue Raspberry Cookies


    Mixing up the cookie dough!

    When I am in the kitchen and Brina is around she is always willing to pitch in and help.  She is becoming more efficient cook as she gets older.  Recently, she decided to whip up some blue raspberry sugar cookies as  a “Welcome Home” goodie for Jake who was arriving home that day from a work trip.

    When he is away on a work trip we always try to make or pick up something special for him to have when he comes home.  It is important to us to make sure he knows how excited we are to have him back home again.  It is always so much better when the whole family is home together!

    I am so thankful for kids that enjoy helping out in the kitchen.  The girls have fun helping out in the kitchen and learning some great lessons along the way too.  Grateful for my girls!


    A batch of blue raspberry cookies ready to go into the oven!


    Cookie rolled is blue sprinkles!


    She made the perfect cookies!

    Making Cookies Dove Candy Note

    Ready to eat and delicious!  Thanks B!

  • Gift Giving: Welcome Home Basket for My Sweetheart

    Basket full of goodies for my handsome man!

    When Jake goes away on a business trip I try to have something special for him when he gets back home.  Recently I had this basket full of goodies waiting for him on the couch upon his return.  The basket included:

    • Love Note
    • 2 bags Original Chex Mix
    • 2 pack Hand Sanitizer
    • Sheets Energy Strips – Cinnamon and Berry Blast
    • Peanuts
    • Rolo’s wrapped in a red Love Note

    Inside the wrapping paper – “I love the way you roll!”

    I am thankful for a husband who loves me, works hard to provide for our family, and is an amazing Daddy to our girls.  These little gifts are just one of the ways I love to remind him of how much he means to us.  The kids have a blast helping pick out something special to “welcome” Daddy back home whether it is a balloon, a favorite food, special drink, sign, drawings, cards and more.  Every time I try to do a different surprise and in various locations in the house to mix it up a little bit for him.  I have a lot of fun doing it for him and I know it is appreciated too.

  • Family Celebrations: Welcome Home Daddy!

    Jake has been away on a business trip the last few days and all his girls have missed him greatly. He came home to a clean house and a “Welcome Back” balloon tied to a bag of his favorite sunflower seeds that the girls had picked out at the Dollar Tree. Thankfully he had a great trip and made it home safely last night. He brought home a few little treasures for the girls and a Zaxby’s Birthday Cake Milkshake for me, delicious! I am grateful for a family who enjoys spending time together. We are all glad to have him back home!

    Welcome Home Daddy we missed you!!!! XOXOXO


    Zaxby's Birthday Cake Milkshake! Amazing - Thanks Babe!
  • They Really DO Love Me!

    One of the many "I Love You" notes from Jake and girls!

    Recently I went on a quick road trip to Orlando, Florida with some friends.  They were moving their items down from North Carolina to Orlando and I was able to spend time traveling with their sweet family.  It was great having a few hours to catch up with friends.  They have three adorable children who traveled very well in the van.  We stopped for lunch at McDonald’s and let them run around then they crashed in the van for a couple hours.  It was wonderful having some time to relax and talk with another Mom friend while traveling.  For dinner we ate outside at a great place called, Crispers, they have a delicious chicken salad wrap if you ever get a chance to go there!  Thankfully everyone made it safely to Orlando and in good spirits.  The kids had school the next day so they quickly took their baths and were tucked into bed.  The next morning I flew out of Orlando back to Greenville, SC.

    It was nice having a relaxing time with friends.  Although it was a quick trip it was enjoyable and reminded me of the many amazing blessing I have in my life from my spouse to my children, family and friends.  When I arrived home I was greeted by a VERY excited Skipper!  She was bouncing all around me and eventually gave me a lick on the hand before I was able to give her a treat.  Glad to have such a warm welcome home.  Since Jake was at work and the girls were at school I was just planning on having a quiet day of catching up in the office.  When I got to the top of the stairs I found my first “I Love You” note, I quickly found out that I had “I Love You” notes scattered across the house to welcome me home.  Jake even made the bed before heading into work.  My keyboard had a note on it and underneath the note was one of my favorite candies – Milk Duds.  So thankful for a husband who takes the time to show me his love and to know that my family really does miss me when I am away even for a short trip.  I am also grateful for a husband who is willing and knows how to get the girls up, ready, and off to school (which can be an adventure some mornings)!

    Here pictures from my short trip and love notes from my family, simple yet beautiful and perfect!  Jake really knows how to melt my heart!

    Napkin from my snack at the airport!
    Strawberry Blast Smoothie, it was delicious!!!
    Yummy chocolate chip muffin!
    My "I Love You" note on the keyboard!
    The "I Love You" note on my keyboard had an extra special surprise underneath, MILK DUDS! Delicious!

    I had a series of “I Love You” notes all over the house!

    • On the Kitchen Counter
    • The Kitchen Floor
    • Dining Room Table
    • Office Chair
    • Keyboard
    • Hallway
    • Bathroom
    • Bed with a treat underneath
    • Bedroom floor
    • Entryway
    • In the Printer…..as soon as I printed something a hidden “I love you” note popped out of the printer…super sweet!  The girls thought this one was so funny!

    Thankful for my sweet family and that they took the time to show their love to me.  It was a lot of fun coming home to the special surprise.  I had a wonderful time with our friends as well as coming home to my great family (yes I know I am bias).