• Great Wolf Lodge – Water Fun and Story Time


    Brina had to do one more round of the Big Foot Pass the first night.  She zipped across really quickly too.


    Karlie was entertaining to watch bouncing from log to log!


    Brina all smiles!


    Jake having fun!


    They all three stood on the edge of the mushroom where the water was pouring down.  Hilarious expressions!


    Karlie loving her time at Great Wolf!


     Karlie liked to fill up buckets and then convince me to stand next to her so she could dump them on me.  Silly girl!


    Going down the River Canyon Run one more time before we call it a night.  Karlie…..”I can’t look, it’s too dark……”


    Karlie’s got her eyes open now and ready for the next twist and turn down the slide.


    Brina was a little concerned.  They liked it a little bit better in the daylight, the tunnels were pretty dark at night.


    Story time at Great Wolf!


    Checking out the arcade.


    Listening to the animals and trees telling a story.  The girls thought this was fascinating!

    We packed a lot of water fun into the first day we were at Great Wolf.  The girls went on all the rides, tried out all the pools, and activities.  We had a BLAST!  Everyone should sleep good tonight!

  • Basketball & Slide Races at Great Wolf Lodge


    Another one of the girls favorite spots to play was the pool with the basketballs and hoops.  It was enjoyable for me too, I forgot how much fun it was to play basketball.  The girls were quite impressed that I could get it in the hoop fairly consistently, ha!


    Brina smiling as she gets ready to put one in!


    This picture cracks….me…up…..  It was hilarious hearing Karlie screeching as we went down the Howlin’ Tornado!  I had my back to the slide so I couldn’t see the drops, but Karlie could.  Karlie was “howlin” the whole way down while Brina was completely quiet and wide eyed.  The trip down to the big drop was so fast I only had time to snap two quick pictures and one was covered in water spots!


    Having a grand time!


    Jake helping Brina float.


    Karlie’s relaxed and floating around having fun!


    Brina carrying up her mat for the next big slide!


    Karlie’s got her mat and is ready to go!


    We all went down the  Mountain Edge Raceway at the same time.  Jake won by going faster than the rest of us.


     Hanging out in the pool waiting for the hoop to open up.


    Playing basketball


    Brina having a blast playing basketball in the pool.


    Having fun!

  • A Trip to Great Wolf Lodge!


    Great Wolf Lodge

    For the girls birthday party celebration this year we made a special trip to Great Wolf Lodge in Concord, North Carolina.  It was a rainy day with showers on the way, but we made it safely.  We spent the ride reading books, talking, and playing games so it passed quickly.  They were super excited to arrive and have a splashing good time!


    We made it to Great Wolf Lodge.  Here’s a quick shot of  the girls waiting patiently on the “bear” seat as we get checked in.  They are ready to go check out the pool area!


    Standing under the huge bucket at Fort MacKenzie waiting for (1,000 gallons) of water to tip the bucket and splash everyone.  They loved this one!  It’s a lot of water!


    The meeting of the minds….or are they really just working out their plan of action.  “Hey Dad!  What should we do first!”


    Splashing and testing the water in the wave pool.  Karlie having a grand time!


    Brina all smiles and having fun!


    Brina taking a break with Jake after she got hit by a couple of good waves in a row.


    Karlie is loving her time in the water!


    All four of us on our first trip down the River Canyon Run!  Thankfully, the raft held 4 people even though we weren’t sure what to expect.  Both girls were old enough to ride all the slides which was a lot of fun doing together.  Brina’s not so sure as we take off at the top….


    Love Jake’s expression in this one.  Makes me smile!


    Karlie is squealing as we whirl down the slide.  Hilarious watching their reactions.   One benefit to having a water camera is you get to capture some of the crazy moments too!


    Filling up the buckets!


    Brina riding the waves in the wave pool!


    Karlie loving the waves!  They both always wanted to be in the deep end so they could get the higher waves!


    Karlie all smiles as she carries her yellow tube up for another fun ride!


    Brina pausing briefly to look at me as she stands in line shivering.  It was warm in the water, but a few times while standing in line it felt a little chilly.  Thankfully the lines were really short and we were in the water a lot more!


    Karlie smiling as she dives under water!


    Look out here comes BRINA!


    This was a fun one – Big Foot Pass.  You had a rope overhead to hang onto as you walked across the floating logs.  Karlie stood up the first time, but decided after that she enjoyed hopping from log to log across the pool better.  Karlie’s was determined and made it across  every time!


    Brina was definitely the most talented at this activity.  She just bounced across from log to log making it look so easy.  Trust me it is not as easy as it looks, we all did it!  Brina finishing up.  She did this activity many times!


    Jake even made it across without falling off…..although a couple times he was close!

    We had a blast at Great Wolf Lodge!  More pictures to come soon.  Thankful for a chance to get away with the family, celebrate the girls birthday, and have some fun together!