• Travel & Vacation: It’s a Small World, Pirates of the Caribbean, Jungle Cruise at Disney’s Magic Kingdom (Orlando, FL)


    Brina and Jake riding on the boat through It’s a Small World

    The lines weren’t too long so we were able to get onto several rides, however, we had a couple hiccups with some as well.  The kids liked It’s a Small World so much that we did it 2 times.  The Pirates of the Caribbean was a little bit of a disappointment because we stood in line for an hour and were 10 people from the front of the line when it broke down so we didn’t get to go on it.  It took us another 30 minutes to get back out because we had to wait for all the people behind us leave.  The girls did well and had a great attitude despite the long wait time.  The Jungle Cruise was a fun boat ride with lots of neat sights along the way.  The kids really enjoyed it.


    Smiling and soaking in all the sights at It’s a Small World


    It’s a Small World banner as you go in




    Always something to look at on the boat ride


    Still smiling while waiting in the long line for the Pirates of the Caribbean


     Catching up and chatting while in line


    Yay, found a place to sit while waiting


    Going on the Jungle Cruise


    All smiles on the Jungle Cruise


    Beautiful waterfall


    They loved looking at all the animals and sights on the Jungle Cruise


    So much fun!

  • Travel & Vacation: Casa Bonita in Denver, CO


     Casa Bonita in Denver, CO

    While the girls and I were visited family in Colorado we took the kids to Casa Bonita’s in Denver.  Renelle, Eric, the girls, and I met up with our other family members at Casa Bonita (my parents, Uncle Rick, Aunt Mary Ann, Laurel, and Erik).  I remember going to Casa Bonita’s when I was in Junior High, but our girls have never been to the restaurant.  It is about what I remembered!  It is a unique adventure if you have kids.  You don’t necessarily go for the fine dining, but the entertainment is fun for the kids.  The girls thought it was AWESOME!

    Casa Bonita is Mexican food with a lot of fun kid activities:

    • 30 Foot Waterfall
    • Cliff Divers go off the waterfall every few minutes
    • Stage Shows – rescuing the princess
    • Musicians
    • Arcade
    • Black Bart’s Hideout
    • Stalagmite Caves
    • Jail
    • Pinata
    • Pinata fun for the kids
    • And more activities!

    If you are looking for a fun place to check out in Denver with the kids this may be a good spot.  The food is okay, but you really go for the atmosphere as much as the meal.


    Water fountain outside of Casa Bonita!


    Pirates and princess show!


    Cliff diver landed in the pool below!


    Black Bart’s Hideout was NOT a favorite of the girls.  I have one that really doesn’t like being scared nor does she like skeletons so this was one area she was not a fan of in Casa Bonita.


    They won the pinata donkey body, ha!  They thought it was great!!!


    Uncle Eric and Aunt Renelle bought some arcade tokens.  The girls really don’t go to the arcade so this was an extra special treat.  They had a grand time on this game stomping on the “spiders”!


    Playing Skeet ball with Uncle Eric!


    Brina and Karlie playing skeet ball in the arcade!


    How about a game of Popcorn!!!


    Renelle is having a good laugh at the girls driving skills.  A great reminder why we don’t let 9 years drive cars, ha!  They had a blast though playing the games!


    Going through the caves, looking at stalagmites, and pools of water!


    View behind the waterfall!


    The girls are with Renelle watching behind the waterfall and watching the next diver.


    Karlie waving to the diver!


    Hanging out behind the waterfall!


    Uncle Eric and the girls by the waterfall!


    Uncle Eric and the three of us outside Casa Bonita’s restaurant!