• Travel & Vacation: – Walking the Streets of Hyderabad, India

    Vendor walking around sounding handkerchiefs

    Anyone want Pearls? 

    Wholesale dealer of pearls on the side of the street.  It was interesting seeing jewelry store where the store front is completely open and faces the street.

    A guy pushing a cart full of potato chips

    Ice cream anyone?!

    I did have the opportunity to try ice cream while in India.  It tasted different from the ice cream we buy in the USA, but it was good!

    Sparkly clothes hanging up and ready for anyone needing them.

    A lot of the clothes you can buy in India have jewels, gold or other items added to the fabric or onto the cloth to make them sparkle.  Add a little sparkle to some bright colors and you have beautiful clothes.

    A store packed full of bangles

    This store had display after display of bangles.  You could get bangles in any color, style or size.  Jake picked up a set for each girl.

    Showing off their goods – shari’s

    When a shopper comes to their door they have you take off your shoes, sit down, and they will bring all the goods out for you to see and make your choice.  The white mat is like a large soft pillow with a sheet over it covering the entire floor of the store.

    Two ladies shopping at a local street market jewelry store.

    Most jewelry stores have the items out on display.  I noticed this was the only one that I seen on this street that had the jewelry in glass display cases.  These ladies are completely covered in black (due to their religious beliefs on women’s clothing) but you’ll notice that many of them will be wearing beautiful bracelets, rings and jewelry on any area that is not covered.

    You can see the shoes on the step and the lady in the store choosing the materials she wants.

    Cart full of fresh coconuts – the girls would love it!

    Young boy walking up and down the street selling handmade musical flutes

    There were so many auto-rigshaws in Hyderabad

    The auto-rigshaws were everywhere on the streets.  They are meant for one driver and up to 2 passengers, I have seen up to 8 or people more in one rigshaw, not to mention all the goods they are carrying on their laps as well.

    Mom with a tiny infant visiting the local farmer’s market

    This picture makes me smile….

    Almost everyone local person I met had beautiful black hair and gorgeous dark complexions.  This guy is the exception, he stands out a little bit!

    Bright flowers for sale on the side of the roadmy Great Grandma Albrecht would have loved this one!

    Our driver pointing out the various monuments, important buildings, and sharing pieces of history as we drive through Hyderabad, India

    On a 2 lane road you will find a lot more than 1 vehicle per lane!

    Just in the this picture I see four auto rigshaws side by side and a lot of motorcycles.  If you wanted to most of the time you could literally roll down your car window and reach out and touch the person riding in the car, on a bike, motorcycle or rigshaw next to you.  It is scary sometimes how close they drive.

    Someone is getting a “truck” load of mattresses today! Hope the driver doesn’t make any sudden turns!

    People literally hanging onto the public bus to catch a ride

    You would see people hanging off the buses with traffic flying by right beside them.  This picture was taken out the front window of the car we were riding in (and I was in the back seat) so you can see how close they drive.  When the people get to a spot they want to get off then they will just let go and will walk off the street which can cause some additional traffic issues.

    Happy to have a ride on the public bus!

    This was a fairly common sight.  We are passing the public bus and these guys are hanging on as it moves through traffic.  You’ll notice in these pictures as well that many people carry backpacks.  Since they are walking or catching a public bus places it is easier to carry everything in a backpack.

    Most of these pictures were taken as we were walking through Hyderabad near Charminar.  Thankfully our driver went with us to the market.  It was the one area that he insisted on going with us which we were very grateful.  He lead the way as we walked through the busy streets of the market.  It was neat seeing so many people and all the beautiful goods they were selling in the market.

    It was also on this walk we encountered a lot people begging us for help…it…..broke….my….heart.  One lady reached out her hand and said “sister…sister…please help sister”.  So many people needing help, it was quite overwhelming in some spots.  I was walking in between the driver and Jake in a single file line through the streets and after we got back in the car Jake said several other people tried to approach me as well but a couple police men kept some of them from getting to me.  Although it is impossible to help everyone it was hard knowing who to help and how to help them.  I just pray that I was able to make a positive impact and be an encouragement to those I interacted with while in India.   Since returning to the USA I have met people who have connections to ministries in Hyderabad and I hope that next time I have the opportunity to go (if there is a next time) I will be able to be even bigger blessing in the  lives of that area.

    The “Travel and Vacation” series is an insight into our trips together as a family and ways we relax.  Life is short and we were thrilled to have the opportunity to build memories with family and explore of of the most amazing places during our time away.  Explore with a good attitude, look for fun, and it will be an awesome trip jammed packed with positive memories.  It is refreshing having some time away from the regular routine.  Make it a once in a lifetime opportunity to meet new people and learn.  You just might see or try something new that takes your breath away!