• Travel & Vacation: Look Out the Car Window (Charleston, SC)


     Through the leaves in the blue sky and you’ll see a plane coming into Charleston

    Whether you are flying into Charleston, SC or driving there is always plenty to see.  Our family always sees something new or different every time we go to Charleston.  There are a lot of learning and teaching opportunities if you just look out your car window while going down the roads.  Sometimes we take the little stuff for granted.  When the kids see something they will often ask about it.

    I did not grow up near the ocean or port so I learned about more of these things later in life.  The first time I saw the ocean was when I got engaged to my sweetheart.  Yes, that’s what happens when you grow up in Kansas (the middle of the 48 states) and about as far away from the ocean as you can get.


    Some really nice private boats are docked in one of the inlets nearby


     We usually see this factory when driving to and from Charleston.  You can tell when they are doing certain things because there will be a faint “wet paper” odor in the air.  Usually that smell will be coming from KapStone Kraft Paper Corporation in North Charleston.  It’s not a bad smell just unique which peaks the curiosity of the kids riding in the car with you.


     The kids are always on the lookout for the cargo containers being moved around.  If you time it just right you can see the huge crane picking up cargo containers and loading (or unloading) them from the ships.  They think it is neat to watch.


    One of the cargo ships coming as we cross over the bridge.

    The “Travel and Vacation” series is an insight into our trips together as a family and ways we relax.  Life is short and we were thrilled to have the opportunity to build memories with family and explore of of the most amazing places during our time away.  Explore with a good attitude, look for fun, and it will be an awesome trip jammed packed with positive memories.  It is refreshing having some time away from the regular routine.  Make it a once in a lifetime opportunity to meet new people and learn.  You just might see or try something new that takes your breath away!

  • Fun at the Park with Friends

    Roper Mountain Science Center - Robotics - Lego Mania

    Climbing on rocks at Herdklotz Park with friends

    We met some sweet friends at the park for a picnic and to play!  The only time that I could get all four kids to sit still long enough for a picture was after they climbed up on this rock.  It was the big rock, but they all managed to get up onto it.  Thankful for a great time with friends.


    Derby decided to join me on the dash in front on the way to and from the park today.  He was on the lookout for a fun adventure!  It’s not everyday a horse rides on my dash.  The girls thought it was hilarious having him help in the van!

  • Loosening My Grip: No More Repairs…..Please! (continued)

    On Tuesday, I began sharing the repair ripple effect around our house these last few months.   In last half of 2010 every time we turned around something was needing fixed from household to physical and more.  God has a way of Loosening Our Grip on things we want to keep within our control.

    The repair domino effect continued:

    • Glasses – it has been over 3 years since Jake and I had our eyes checked and new glasses.  We bit the bullet and went to WalMart got our eyes checked and purchased new glasses.  The neat part was we learned in our 3 1/2 hour visit that the doctor played tennis with a friend of ours from church, it’s a small world.
    • Dental Work – it had been almost 4 years since Jake and I had gone to the dentist.  We have chosen to spend the money on the kids and wait on going ourselves.  Even though our teeth weren’t hurting we both had work that needed to be done which added up very quickly.  We really like our dentist but I had forgotten how much it costs, however, if we didn’t get it repaired it would eventually become painful and more expensive.  Thankfully over the last couple of months of 2010 we were able to get both of us up to date.
    • Dryer – My dryer has been slowly fading over the course of several years. It has been repair many times in the 10 years we have owned it.  I was under the impression that they lasted longer.  In a typical week I only do 4 to 5 loads of laundry so it wasn’t like it was from over use.  The heating aliment was replaced once or twice.  Two years ago the dial stopped working, you couldn’t adjust the heat or length of the dryer.  Thankfully we could still push the button and it would run, however, it NEVER shut off on its own so you would have to stay home and set a timer so you can take them out.  Many loads were too wet or too dry over the course of a couple years.  Over the last year it began taking between 1 to 4 hours to dry a load of clothes.  We finally decided it was time to replace it,
    • Van Repair & Water Pump – the van wasn’t running well early this fall and it was getting to the point where we where worried if it would start and run for us.  Jake didn’t want me stranded somewhere with the kids so we took it in.  There were several things going on and we were able to get it repaired.  A month later the water pump blew and it was in for another shop visit.  The girls asked why the van was going to the doctor so often!
    • Water Line to the House – one day when I came home after work there was no water at our house.  The water company wasn’t doing any repairs  in our area and since it had been cold the last few days they indicated that we had a burst pipe.  We found the location of the leak in the middle of our flower garden.  The previous owner had a garden water faucet hooked up to the old well and when they ran city water they kept that on the line.  Since the faucet was covered up we just assumed it went to the old well which was not the case.  Thankfully we were able to fix this one on our own with the help of my brother the extra water cost more than the pieces to fix the faucet and we only had to go without water a couple times.  We no longer have an extra faucet in the middle of our flower garden it is now buried underground with the other pipes.

    Even though I would never chose for all of these items to happen within a few months God’s timing was truly wonderful.  Jake was able to start feeling a little better after the surgery and he took on a new contract before some of the household items started wearing out.  Looking back over the year I an encouraged to know that I am not alone.  I have an amazing God, wonderful husband, sweet kids and awesome family and friends.    You are not alone either.  Even though 2010 or another year may have been tough on you physically, emotionally, spiritually and financially you are not alone.  It is through the tough times that you can be renewed and strengthened.  Despite the minor inconveniences 2010 has brought into my life I have much to rejoice about and be thankful for in my life.  There are moments that I will treasure forever looking back over this year.  Hopefully in 2011 it will be smooth sailing as far as repairs, however, I do want God to continue guiding me as I look forward to a fun and exciting 2011 jammed packed with memories!

    Loosening My Grip is a series on areas in my life I am learning to let go of slowly. A couple months ago I was studying Jonah and one of the phrases that popped out at me was “Whatever you are holding on to in this life, hold it loosely so it won’t hurt when the Lord has to pry your fingers open to take it away.”  I have found that in some areas God has had to pry my fingers off of whatever I am holding onto one finger at a time.  There are areas in my life that I feel like I need control over and hold onto them tightly.  I have been learning how to let go and hold loosely so God can do His work in my life.

  • Loosening My Grip: No More Repairs…..Please!

    Let’s just say 2010 was in some ways….painful…..at least when you look at it from a budget standpoint.  Our budget was (ouch) way off after many unforeseeable major repairs and events.  There are some things that happen in life that are completely out of our control and as a person that likes to plan ahead it can really catch me off guard.  Many of the repairs were out of our hands and we were doing exactly what we thought God wanted us to do with our lives, however,  there can be a turns up ahead in life that will guide us in directions that we did not necessarily expect.  How we react and choose to move forward when we come to a crossroad is where the true test comes especially if we don’t like the direction the road is taking.  The amazing part  is God gave us peace and after many months of praying He gave us a very vivid answer to some of our questions. I am grateful everything continued working as long as it had, however, there for a few months it was like the domino effect around our house.  I felt like anything I touched broke.  We almost always buy used items and several things had been acting up for several months or years.   Thankfully I have an wonderful husband who budgets and has planned ahead enough to have an emergency fund.  Although we went over our small emergency fund during the last few months I know with God’s help, planning, sticking to the budget, and cutting back we can overcome these speed bumps.

    What type of items started this drum roll effect?

    • Car Purchase – Jake was rear ended in November 2009 at a stop sign by the person behind him who failed to stop until she hit his car.  His car was sandwiched between two cars and totaled.  Thankfully he was wearing his seat belt.  The insurance gave us some money to compensate for his car.  Unfortunately his car was paid off and we had to adjust to having one car with business events, meetings, kids, school, and everything else for several months.  We couldn’t find a car within the allotted price range so we continued to look.  The market for used cars in our price range was low plus the “Cash for Clunkers” took additional used cars out of the market.  Finally, in March 2010 we were able to locate a usable car within our budget that he could drive.  I am thankful he now has a reliable car to drive.
    • Business Expenses – several years ago we started our business as a way to help others and LOVE it, however, in 2010 the expenses were higher than anticipated and God showed us clearly the direction he wanted our family to take.  It has been an amazing journey seeing His hand working in our hearts, lives, and the business.
    • Jake’s Surgery – with the car accident from November 2009 Jake continued to have issues, we were hoping and praying that he would get better on his own, however, he had surgery in April to repair the damage.  Thankfully, after the surgery and a few months of physical therapy he is doing better even though like any injury the damage is done and continues to have a ripple effect.    We still haven’t been able to get the medical expenses covered from the person running into him (even though it has  been over a year) but hopefully it will be done in 2011.
    • Roof Repair – in August 2010 we after a pretty steady period of rain storms we had a tree fall on our house.  It was a domino effect of insurance, adjusters, roofers, and many more people trying to get it repaired before it rained again.  We were thankful to have an acquaintance do the majority of the repairs and roof.  It is amazing that you are required to pay insurance on time every month to get coverage, however, when you have a claim on it takes months to get the issue resolved.  We still have a few minor repairs remaining but we are thankful to have a roof over our heads and the majority of the work completed.
    • Laptop – I have been fortunate enough to never have to purchase a new laptop.  My husband has always been able to piece together a desktop or laptop for me to use from what he has available from doing work for others.  This year the hand-me-down machine died and the laptop was slowly wearing out with a major crack in the screen.  For my birthday I got my first ever new computer which has been a true blessing.

    I will continue with the domino effect of repairs we had in the last few months of 2010 later this week.  Thankfully we all made it to 2011 healthy and happy despite the adventure along the way.

    Loosening My Grip is a series on areas in my life I am learning to let go of slowly. A couple months ago I was studying Jonah and one of the phrases that popped out at me was “Whatever you are holding on to in this life, hold it loosely so it won’t hurt when the Lord has to pry your fingers open to take it away.”  I have found that in some areas God has had to pry my fingers off of whatever I am holding onto one finger at a time.  There are areas in my life that I feel like I need control over and hold onto them tightly.  I have been learning how to let go and hold loosely so God can do His work in my life.