• Song: “I Love You More Than You Ever Know” by Michael Ruff

    I was looking for a good song about “love” when I came across this one.  Even though we have the opportunity to celebrate with the one on Valentine’s Day every year it is important to show appreciate and love towards our spouses throughout the year.  Yes, some days are easier to express appreciation than others but if you intentionally do something thoughtful for your spouse everyday it will be a blessing not only to them but your marriage and family.  Try doing something thoughtful specifically for your spouse every day for a week, month, or more and let me know how it goes for you!

  • Song: “Love of My Life” by Jim Brickman

    In celebration of the Valentine Holiday this week I wanted to share a song with about “love”.  I am thankful everyday for Jake and the many things that he does for our family.  He is an amazing part of my life and I love him so very much.  It is hard to believe we have been married almost 12 years and have known each over for over 16 years!  🙂  I am blessed and have much to be thankful for in my life.