• Be My Valentine: Sweetheart Sandwich

    Valentine Heart Sandwich for the Brina’s lunch box

    It is a lot of fun putting in something different into the girls lunch box.  Around the Holidays and whenever I get the urge I do a special surprise in their lunch boxes.  I typically do at least one special lunch box note or shape or treat a week, occasionally they get a few extras squeezed in when I have the time and creative juices flowing.  In honor of the upcoming Valentine’s Day Holiday I put a heart PB&J sandwich in their lunches.

    It an easy way to show the girls that I am thinking about them and care, plus they had a blast showing off their heart sandwich at lunch time to their friends!  The majority of evenings if we have time I have the girls at least start putting together their lunches.  Many nights they make the PB&J sandwiches themselves.  Yes, they are messier and probably use more peanut butter and jelly but they enjoy pitching in and helping put together their lunches.  Also, lunch making  time gives us a few extra minutes of productivity and socializing together in the kitchen.  Sometimes after they finish their lunches I will sneak in a note or something special other times I am making the lunches so I will add a special Momma’s touch.

    All you have to do for this simple treat is make your peanut butter and jelly sandwich.  Use a cookie cutter to make the shape you want.  Put it in a container or sandwich bag and it is ready for them to discover the next day at lunch.

    Heart shaped cookie cutter that I used for their PB&J sandwiches!

    Karlie’s sweetheart surprise sandwich!