• Be My Valentine: You Make My Heart “Pop” Valentine!

    Make My Heart “Pop” Lollipop!

    (Use one lollipop or a bucket full of lollipops)

    As I was thinking about ways to show love to my family over the Valentine’s Holiday I came across a picture I took recently of a gift I did for some friends and the idea hit me.  Why not a fun phrase for Valentine’s Day lollipops that I picked at Staples marked down on clearance and with a coupon.  That’s when I came up with the phrase….”You Make My Heart ‘Pop’ Lollipop!”

    This would be a fun one to put together the night before Valentines Day and have sitting out on the table for your kids for breakfast or to take to your spouse at work or have your kids take to share with their classmates.  Here’s what I did:

    • Red Metal Bucket
    • Green Shredded Paper
    • Lollipops

    Fill the bucket up with the shredded paper and add the lollipops!  You can add a saying like “You Make My Heart Pop Valentine” or “You Make My Heart Pop Lollipop” or something along those lines.

    I already had the bucket from a previous event, the green shredded paper was in my gift giving basket, and I bought the lollipops on clearance with coupon so the entire gift didn’t cost me anything but time.  You could do this with other lollipops as well (see below).

    Bucket full of lollipops to share!


  • Be My Valentine: Memory Jars, Cookie Surprise, Scrapbook Highlights, Romantic Dinner for Two, & More!

    Last year I started the “Be My Valentine” series to help celebrate the upcoming Valentine’s Day Holiday.  Here are some fun ideas from last year that our family enjoyed:

    Be My Valentine: “I Love You” Memory Jar


    A unique Valentine’s gift this year packed full of love and memories!  I have created jars (or containers) full of memories for various occasions in the past and they have always been a huge hit with both kids and adults.

    Be My Valentine: Cookie Surprise!

    Surprise Valentine's Cookie - this one had three different flavors!

    A fun cookie to make with your kids.  It is a sugar cookie with crushed hard candies to make window panes.  Fun activity and delicious!

    Be My Valentine: Scrapbook Highlights

    how your spouse and family you love them on Valentine’s Day by doing a Scrapbook highlighting the big events over the past year.  (Photo by shimelle)

    Be My Valentine: Romantic Dinner for Two!

    You can go out on Valentine’s Days (or any other Date Night) for less when you pack a picnic for two.

    Gift Giving: 12 Days of Appreciation

    I did this 12 Days of Christmas Appreciation for Jake at Christmas time but it would be a great one to do for Valentine’s Day, your Anniversary, or birthday! 

    A picture of one of the 12 Days of Appreciation for my husband to help get you started on ideas!

    I would love to hear some of your ideas of how you are planning to make Valentine’s Day special with the one(s) you love!  Feel free to share you link below in the comments! 🙂