• Flashback Friday: Happy 5th Birthday!


    Karlie with her Rocket Cake and Brina with her Princess Castle Cake made by Aunt Kristen!

    Today we flashback to February 2010 when the girls turned 5 years old!  It was a fun birthday party at our house.  We did a dual theme for the girls this year which was a lot more work than I initially realized!  Karlie was really into space and rockets while Brina was into princesses.

    Half of the house and party was about Space and the other half was about Princesses.  The nice part about the theme is that it appealed to both the boys and girls who attended the party.  We did a castle out of cardboard in Brina’s room and a rocket out of cardboard for Karlie that was put on the front porch.

    Somehow we didn’t get a picture of Karlie’s room inside the house where we put black trash bags on all the walls, stuck glow in the dark planets and stars on them, and replaced the lights with black lights.  It turned out really well, but it was darker so none of the pictures actually turned out which is a bummer.

    Aunt Kristen made the beautiful and delicious cakes for the girls birthday, which they LOVED!  The girls had a wonderful time celebrating their birthday and we are thankful for our family and friends who helped with the party and came out to make this day extra special for the girls.  Thankful for the blessing of these two girls!


    Checking out the cool rocket that Daddy, Grandpa Russell, Uncle Lee, and Uncle Josh stayed up after the kids went to bed to build.


    They had no idea that the guys were building a rocket (and castle, see below) for them!  As they were eating breakfast the guys rang the doorbell and “delivered” their special party props!  They were so excited!


    Karlie hugging her rocket (notice she is wearing her favorite rocket pjs)!  Too cute!  She was thrilled and kept going back outside to play with her rocket!


    Had to check everything out!


    After a few minutes of coming back into the house the back doorbell rang and the guys delivered the other party prop, a giant cardboard castle!  Daddy, Grandpa Russell, Uncle Lee, and Uncle Josh worked on putting this together and painting it after the girls went to bed the night before the party.  They were super excited!


    The castle was huge!  They are standing on chairs in order to peek through it!  The castle was a big hit in the princess room!


    Dad and Grandpa Russell putting the finishing touches on the castle!  It had a tower, door, and even a roman numeral “V” flag on it!


    Time for all the princesses and princes to come to the party!  The castle was a big hit with all the kids!


    Karlie all smiles as she sits by the easel.  She loved coming outside to check on her rocket which was next to the easel!


    Hanging out in her rocket as people started arriving.  Very content to stay right there with her special rocket!


    Brina’s princess cake turned out beautifully – thanks Aunt Kristen!


    Karlie LOVED her rocket cake!  Thank you Aunt Kristen!


    Lighting the candles!  Kristen put candles at the back of the rocket so it looked like it was taking off – so cool!


    Getting something to eat and hanging out with cousins!


    Grandma Penny and Brina putting a puzzle together!  Super fun!

  • Flashback Friday: Happy 3rd Birthday!

    Karlie and Brina holding handsc

    Happy 3rd Birthday Girls!

    Today’s Flashback Friday goes back to 2008 for the girls 3rd birthday!  We did a Garden & Bug theme for this birthday party.  It was neat seeing them getting excited as we decorated for the birthday party.  They had a blast!  It is amazing how quickly they are growing up.

    Karlie and Brina's 3rd Birthday Partyc

    The family is ready to celebrate at their 3rd birthday party!  WooHoo!

    Brina and Karlie's 3rd Birthday Partyc

    Grandma Kay made the delicious birthday cakes for the girls.  Brina had a bumble bee, Karlie had a ladybug, and the big cake was a flower garden.  They looked adorable!  Jake’s Mom makes some amazing cakes!

    Grandma Kay with her girls - Brina and Karlie's 3rd Birthday Partyc

    Brina and Karlie with Grandma Kay right before the birthday party!

    Happy Birthday Cake time - Karlie and Brina, OH BOYc

    Watching the candles as the guests sing Happy Birthday!  So excited!

    Grandma Kay made Karlie a ladybug and Brina a bumblebeec

    Checking out the candles and their cakes!

    Karlie and Brina enjoying their birthday cakes, deliciousc

    Karlie eating little bits while Brina digs right now!

    Brina - I am ready to get clean nowc

    Brina’s ready for clean up…I think it’s Jake turn to hose her down, ha!

    Karlie started on her cake then ate a wing from Brina's beec

    Karlie eating her cake and enjoying the fun!

    Brina and Karlie eating their birthday treatsc

    Snacking on their yummy party food!

    Getting ready for Karlie and Brina's  birthday partyc

    When they were little we pulled the cooler up the counter so they could stand on it and “help” us cook.  Food is ready now the party can begin!

    Mommy, Brina and Karlie reading birthday cardsc

    Opening their birthday gifts!

  • Flashback Friday: Barnyard Theme 1st Birthday Party

    Happy 1st Birthday Brina and Karliec

    Happy 1st Birthday girls!

    Today our flashback event goes back to the girls first birthday party!  We had a barnyard theme for their first birthday party.  Our family and friends came to celebrate the special day with us.  They were very excited and quite confused by all the commotion that day.  Even Jake’s Mom, my parents, and my grandparents were able to come for this special event with us!

    First Birthday Party Groupc

    Thankful for our family and friends who celebrated this special day with us!  It is amazing to see how much these families have grown and changed since this celebration over 9 years ago!

    Brina and Karlie's 1st Birthday Cakes made by Grandma Kayc

    Jake’s Mom (aka Grandma Kay) made these beautiful farm cakes for the girls.  She put a lot of time and energy into the cakes and they were so adorable! Brina’s was a calf and Karlie’s was a lamb.  The rest of us got to enjoy the barn cake!  They were super cute and delicious.

    Brina and Karlie eating their birthday cakesc

    Brina demolished her birthday cake.  Karlie didn’t want to touch her cake or get messy, the only frosting she got on her fingers and face was from us sticking her fingers into the frosting for her and smearing it on her face.

    Brina - what's everyone looking at, it was good cakec

    What’s everyone looking at!?  Brina thoroughly enjoyed her birthday cake! 🙂  What a mess!

    Brina's Little Calf Cakec

    Brina’s adorable calf cake before she tore into it.

    Karlie's Little Lamb Cakec

    Karlie’s cute lamb cake.  It looked almost the same once she was done with it!

  • Intentional Living: Weekly Goals

    I made some progress last week on my goals!  Thankful for the opportunity move forward on my goals despite a busy 2012 first quarter.  Since I have a conference for part of the week the list will be shorter.

    Here is the update on last weeks goals:

    Family Goals

    1. Spend 1-on-1 time with each child everyday
    2. Read a book to the girls everyday
    3. Have each girl read 1 book to myself or Jake 5 days this week – the girls were sick this week
    4. Go on my Date Night with Jake (we got free movie tickets so excited to enjoy some time away together) – We gave away our free movie tickets because we had to cancel our Date Night, the kiddos got sick.  🙁 I am hoping to get it rescheduled soon.
    5. Get the girls Birthday Party Details Started

    Personal Goals

    1. Exercise – walk at least 5 days this weekI did it again (victory dance).  It has helped give me more energy throughout my days too!
    2. Go to bed by 10:30 pm or earlier Monday to Thursday – was bad about this one, it was after 1 am one night
    3. Finish reading Crush It by Gary Vaynerchuk – still working on it
    4. Read and listen to the next section of  Desiring God: Finding Complete Satisfaction and Joy in God by John Piper (our church Community Group is going through this book together).
    5. Get my Travel Visa Application Sent

    Home Management Goals

    1. All laundry for the week washed, folded, and put away in one day
    2. Weekly Dinner Menu planned and written by Monday
    3. Spend 30 minutes every day picking up / cleaning the house
    4. Dinner ready by 5:30 PM (Monday through Thursday) – it was closer to 6 pm a couple of days
    5. Spend time re-organizing and de-cluttering the office
    6. Update Family & Friends Contact Information – glad to have this information updated 🙂

    Business Goals

    1. Pay all bills that come in the mail this week
    2. Work on ideas for upcoming blog posts
    3. Spend 10 minutes a day cleaning and organizing my desk
    4. Plan new implementations for blog
    5. Start working on 2011 business taxes – gathered the information and paperwork but nothing more yet

    Ministry Goals

    1. Email our weekly Community Group update including upcoming events on the calendar, praises, and prayer requests
    2. Meet a friend or family member for Breakfast or Lunch

    Financial Goals

    1. Stay within Budget on Groceries $40 for 4
    2. Emergency Fund – save 3 months worth of living expenses – moving forward on this goal
    3. Start working on our personal 2011 taxes

    Here are my goals for the upcoming week:

    Family Goals

    1. Spend 1-on-1 time with each child everyday
    2. Read a book to the girls everyday
    3. Spend some time with extended family

    Personal Goals

    1. Exercise – walk at least 5 days this week
    2. Read and listen to the next section of  Desiring God: Finding Complete Satisfaction and Joy in God by John Piper (our church Community Group is going through this book together).

    Home Management Goals

    1. All laundry for the week washed, folded, and put away in one day
    2. Weekly Dinner Menu planned and written by Monday

    Business Goals

    1. Attend the Pro Ag Conference
    2. Pay all bills that come in the mail this week

    Ministry Goals

    1. Email our weekly Community Group update including upcoming events on the calendar, praises, and prayer requests
    2. Meet a friend or family member for Breakfast or Lunch

    Financial Goals

    1. Stay within Budget on Groceries $40 for 4
    2. Emergency Fund – save 3 months worth of living expenses

    I think it is important to share and encourage each other as we seek to improve our lives and the lives of those around us.  I want to live intentionally not just hope all my dreams and goals come true.  When I focus on small steps of improvement I am able to see results as I get closer to my goals.  Some weeks I get closer to the goals I have in my life and other weeks a take a few steps back (life happens, emergencies occur, people get sick).  Once the goals are written down and shared it provides a guideline for what I aim to accomplish this week.

    Why Share My Goals?

    • To keep me accountable
    • To share a piece of my life with you as I strive to be a better Child of God, Wife, Mom, Friend, Homemaker, Entrepreneur and the many other roles I have each week
    • To have my goals consistently written down so I can gauge progress more accurately
    • Create healthy habits in my life
    • To encourage you to share your goals with me as you continue to grown and learn

    How did you do this week on your goals?  Feel free to share or link to your list of weekly goals.

    The picture above is one that I created for my own purposes, however, The “SMART” acronym was originally coined 30 years ago by Peter Drucker in his classic work, Management by Results