• House Building, Ice Cream Floats, Birds, Cats, and Crab Apples!


    Fluff was such a good sport and let Brina carry her around!

    We had a grand time in Kansas visiting family.  Our time went by too quickly, but we were able to pack in a lot during our time in the area.  We spent time with Great Grandparents, Grandparents, Uncles, Aunts, Cousins and more.  Thankful for family and the moments we get to share.


    We brought ice cream floats to the guys who were working on my brother Josh’s house!  Ice cream floats are a rare treat for the girls since we have one that has a dairy allergy so they were very excited!


    Karlie enjoying her ice cream float!


    Brina relaxing and sipping her float!


    My brother is currently building a house so we got to watch the process and help carry a few boards.  He is getting married later this year so he has a deadline!  It will be a nice place for the new couple!


    Checking out Great Grandpa Verlyn’s birds!


    They always love going out to see Grandpa’s birds!


    Some of the chickens!


    And a turkey!


    The girls wanted to help Grandpa collect the eggs, he had already done it that morning, but they had laid some more!


    A few more eggs, some big ones too!


    Grandpa Verlyn gave the girls some of his Crab Apples!  He warned them that they were tart, but they insisted that they wanted to try them anyway!


    Karlie thought the crab apples were great!


    Brina loved the crab apples too!  I thought the crab apples were a little too tart, but they both thought they were awesome!  There are very few food items especially fruits and vegetables that they don’t like!

  • Giving Thanks

    I am blessed!  There are so many things in my life to be thankful for today and everyday.  Life may not always go as planned but I do have a lot of blessings in my life.

    I am thankful for…

    • My husband who is my best friend, loves me, makes me laugh, encourages me, cheers me on, lifts me up when I have fallen,  takes care of me and our girls and so much more.  Love him to pieces!!!
    • Our kids bring a lot of laughter and joy to my life.   Each one brings their own dynamics to the family and I am proud of my girls.
    • Fun Memories with my family and friends.  I have blessed with a lot of amazing memories, events, and great times with the people in my laugh.
    • Family is an important part of my life both my immediate and extended family members.  Thankful to have so many family members that love us, pray with us, and are an active part of our lives.
    • Friends who have been with me through the joyous parts of my life as well as some tough times while being an encouragement, blessing and prayer partner. I am thankful for those true blue friends in my life.
    • A Home to live in and provide shelter for my family and a place to host fun events with family, friends, and neighbors.
    • Our Pets have been a blessing in my life, whether it is relaxing on the couch with my hubby watching the fish or taking a walk with Skipper.  They all have left a mark on my heart for which I am thankful.
    • Neighbors because they have become part of my life and provide opportunities for us to help, pray, and encourage others.
    • Food we have never had to go starve or go without a meal.  My husband is an amazing cook and I love it when he cooks for the family.
    • Clothes we have always had plenty of clothes to wear.
    • Hugs & Kisses are a true treasure.  A hug from my girls or friend and a kiss from my husband are a blessing.
    • Snuggles provide the quiet time with my family I enjoy very much, whether it is reading, watching a movie or just sitting on the couch and talking I am thankful for these precious moments.
    • And Most Important God’s Involvement in my life, He has shown me a lot of love, grace, and mercy in the past 30 plus years for which I am very thankful.

    Thanksgiving is a great time to look at all the blessings in our lives.   Let us try to remember all the good things in our lives everyday.  Life is more enjoyable when we have a positive outlook.


  • Thanksgiving Recipe: Hendrich & Kejr Family Dressing

    My Grandma Willa gave me the family recipe for the Hendrich & Kejr Dressing for our first Thanksgiving together as a couple.  You can do several steps the night before to save you some time on Thanksgiving day.  We have enjoyed a lot of wonderful meals and created many memories at Grandpa and Grandma’s.  Thankful for a family that celebrates together.

    • Cook Giblets with a little salt and pepper, 1/2 cup of onions, 1 stalk of celery in enough water to cover, until tender. (It works well if you do this piece the night before Thanksgiving).
    • In a large bowl put 12 cups of crushed dry bread crumbs, 1 tablespoon of poultry seasoning, 1 teaspoon sage, 2 tablespoon of caraway seed, add 1/2 cup melted butter.  Pour over the bread crumbs and stir.  (This can be done the night before as well).  If using seasoned bread cut back on seasoning all but the caraway seed.
    • Add 1 to 2 cups of hot broth and stir together. (You can use giblets for gravy use water or canned broth) stir together all of the above and add 4 eggs beaten lightly with 1/2 cup milk and stir into the above.  If dressing seems dry add more liquid. (You want it to be soft yet hold together slightly).
    • Sprinkle turkey inside and out with caraway seed.  Stuff bird and cook according to directions on the bird.  (You can bake separately as well if you choose).
    • A 10 to 13 pound young bird usually takes 3 1/2 to 4 hours to cook.  For gravy use chicken broth and drippings or Giblet broth and pan drippings.  I go either way.
  • Thanksgiving Recipe: White Cranberry Brined Turkey

    The turkey is a great part of the Thanksgiving dinner.  There are so many different ways to cook a turkey……smoke, bake, or fry.   If you are looking for delicious new way to cook the turkey try this one out.  We have tried several great recipes for the turkey.  I found this several years ago in a Ocean Spray booklet.

    • 128 ounces of White Cranberry Juice
    • 1 gallon of Water
    • 2 cups of Kosher Salt
    • 1 cup of Sugar
    • 2 tablespoons Whole Black Peppercorns
    • 8 cloves Garlic (crushed)
    • 8 Bay Leaves
    • 8 to 12 pound Whole Turkey

    Mix together all ingredients (except turkey) in a 13 to 14 quart stockpot until the salt and sugar are dissolved. Place the turkey in the brine.  Refrigerate turkey in the covered stockpot for 12 to 18 hours.  Discard brine.  Dry turkey with paper towels. Preheat oven to 325 degrees.  Roast unstuffed turkey for 2 3/4 to 3 hours or until internal temperature of the thigh reaches 180 degrees.