• Travel & Vacation: We Made it to Bangalore!

    Shepherds herding a large group of sheep on the road.

    We had the opportunity to spend a few days with Jake’s cousin Matt, his wife Jen, and the rest of the crew in Bangalore, India!  It was so much fun to catch up with them and explore the area.   We had a wonderful time with the whole family.

    Jen took us shopping downtown Bangalore!  Lots of cool stores!  We found some cute outfits for the girls!

    Super neat toy store near downtown Bangalore!  The girls would have loved it! 🙂

    I think he is a little loaded down with sugar cane!

    Aw….such great food!

    Our home away from home for the next few days in India.  Thanks Matt & Jen for letting us hang out with your family!

    Jake on vacation but taking a few minutes to check in with work!

    Michael and David were the first ones to hit the pool!

    David performing under water for the camera!

    Hey Michael!  Having fun at the pool!

    Erica swimming through Jake’s legs in the pool

    View from behind the water fall at one of their many pools!

    Erica was a great guide, she wanted us to check out all the pools in the area!  It was pretty amazing seeing all the cool places to swim.  This picture was taken in the kids area.

    We had a blast hanging out with the whole family.  We met some of their friends in the area, went swimming, grabbed a ice cream cone at Baskin Robbins, ate delicious food, and so much more.  I will be sharing more on our adventures over in India soon.  It was an amazing trip and we are thankful for Matt & Jen’s hospitality while we were there.

     The “Travel and Vacation” series is an insight into our trips together as a family and ways we relax.  Life is short and we were thrilled to have the opportunity to build memories with family and explore of of the most amazing places during our time away.  Explore with a good attitude, look for fun, and it will be an awesome trip jammed packed with positive memories.  It is refreshing having some time away from the regular routine.  Make it a once in a lifetime opportunity to meet new people and learn.  You just might see or try something new that takes your breath away!

  • Travel & Vacation: Shilparamam Park in Hyderabad, India

    Entrance to Shilparamam Park.  It was pretty close to where Jake was staying in Hyderabad, India.

    Water fountain in the park

    Hyderabad’s version of the duck boats!  Not sure I would want to go splashing around in the water though.

    Not sure about the wiring in the park!  This was a pretty common sight in the various places we visited.  I am sure Jake’s cousin who is an electrician would have something to say about this one, ha!

    Jake patiently waiting on the bridge for me to catch up!

    Peaceful pond full of duck boats looks so pretty.

    Cow with its horns painted blue and all decked up pulling a cart with items they plan to sell at the market place

    Huge elephant statue you walk under to get to another part of the park.

    This was interesting…..in the park they had a section which was a museum that told some of the history of Hyderabad, India and trades found in the area but they did it using all props.

    Sankranthi Festival Display – outside props that were part of the museum portion of the park.   I loved the bamboo fence, it was really pretty!

    The largest patch of green grass I saw in Hyderabad!  It was a field for concerts inside the park. Grass was not something you seen a lot of in the part of town where we were located. I bet the cows, goats, and other livestock I seen on the streets going through trash to find something to eat would have loved a chance to nibble on this grass!

    Cool waterfall in the park….the smell reminded me of Reedy River at Falls Parks.  Beautiful but not ideal swimming or splashing around in water.

    Watching a group of people in the park play a party game.  It kind of looked similar to “Duck, Duck, Goose” or “Musical Chairs”  They were having a lot of fun!

    Elephant fountain in the park.  The bottom row of fountains are elephants spraying out water through their noses.  We were told that elephants were a symbol of “good luck” so you see them often.  Although we have been told various stories as to why they are good luck and what type of luck, not sure which is accurate or if there are just several stories that go along with the elephant symbol.

    “Living Rock Gallery” inside the park.  The rocks have plaques on them explaining their symbolizism and place of honor.  I have heard of rock gardens but never a living rock garden so it was something different that I haven’t seen before.

    If you pause for even a split second or happen to look in the general direction of someone’s shop they will rush out to greet you and try to get you to look at the items they have for sale.  This guy was trying to get us to buy his fabric.  They did not hestitate to sale you anything from rugs, to flowers, pottery, clothes, knick knacks, bangles, spices, and much more!  Most people were ok when you said “No, thank you” but there were a few who would literally follow you around asking you to look, touch, and buy their items.  You could spend an entire day going from shop to shop and having them sell you their goods if you wanted to, thankfully I am not a big shopper and Jake had already purchased a couple items for the kids before I arrived.

    The “Travel and Vacation” series is an insight into our trips together as a family and ways we relax.  Life is short and we were thrilled to have the opportunity to build memories with family and explore of of the most amazing places during our time away.  Explore with a good attitude, look for fun, and it will be an awesome trip jammed packed with positive memories.  It is refreshing having some time away from the regular routine.  Make it a once in a lifetime opportunity to meet new people and learn.  You just might see or try something new that takes your breath away!

  • Travel & Vacation: Flying Overseas with Qatar Airways – Doha, Qatar

    The airplane was huge!  I was not able to get a picture of it because I boarded at night, this picture was taken the next morning and yes that is ice frozen onto the window! Beautiful views from the airplane!

    Recently my husband spent a month in India working. Thankfully I was able to go over to spend some time with him and visit family.  My parents were sweet enough to watch the girls for us and take them to school so I could fly over and see Jake.  I was super excited to see Jake after being apart for almost a month.  I am not sure how military and other families handle all the travel time because a month was a very long time for us to be apart and there were some tough days.  Being apart a week here and there has been fine but by the time it came for me to spend two days traveling I was a little nervous going through several different airports and countries by myself but it was worth it knowing Jake was on the other end.  I was gone for two weeks, went through 12 airports, and thankfully my luggage never got lost!  Aww….there is so much that has happened over the past couple months, looking forward to sharing with you!

    Traveling on Qatar Airways was very pleasant considering how long we were on the airplane.  The “moving map” was probably my favorite thing to keep up on my TV screen as I was reading I would occasionally look up and see all the details of the flights.

    This screen shot shows:

    • Local Time at Origin:  9:41 am
    • Local Time at Destination: 4:41 pm
    • Outside Air Temperature:   -44 degree Celsius
    • Ground Speed:  568 mph
    • True Airspeed: 561 mph
    • Altitude: 35000 feet

    Since we were going to several different locations we actually were traveling on several different airlines – US Airways, United Airlines, Qatar, Kingfisher, and IndiGo.  Kingfisher was the only one that we had any major complications with and that was because the government froze all its assets and it went bankrupt the week we were flying with them.  All our scheduled Kingfisher flights got canceled, at one point they re-routed our flight to a different city, the schedule had to be juggled around, and we had to switch airlines for one of the flights but otherwise it was pretty smooth trip.  Qatar was my favorite, which is good since it was the longest leg of our trip both ways. They had bigger seats that reclined more, individual TVs, headphones, pillow, blanket, delicious meals, and a goody bag (with items like ear plugs, socks, toothbrush & toothpaste, a blind fold).  I flew coach the entire way and it was a great experience for me.

    When you look at the map it really doesn’t look too far, until you realize you just flew halfway across the world!  The longest part of the trip was from Washington, DC to Doha, Qatar.

    What an amazing blessing it was to fly overseas.  I met some of the most wonderful people from around the world during my trip.  I was able to share stories and experiences, learn about many different cultures and families, laugh with other women over silly stuff even though we couldn’t understand everything each other was saying, give out disposable toothbrushes to fellow travelers, and so much more.  Even though a couple weeks have passed since traveling I am still processing all the great things about the trip.  I am thankful for the wonderful opportunity and the people I was able to meet during my trip.  It really was a true joy just talking with people from around the world and I pray that through my conversations, actions, and interactions that I made a positive impact on the lives of the people I met.

    Almost to the end of my long flight!  On the map you can see Ad-Dammam, Bahrain, and Qatar.  It is my first time in Doha, Qatar!

    Even though I traveled over on my own it was a really pleasant experience.  I am thankful for the many people I met.  I sat next to really neat and thoughtful people.  Only one person had a panic attack in flight which was a really “interesting” experience.  The guy having a panic attack was in the back of the airplane (row 37 and I was in row 13 with my headphones on watching a movie) and I could hear him yelling.  He was yelling for one of the guys sitting next to me.  Thankfully the stewardess didn’t have to restrain him but I did have a several different people that I sat next to since the stewardess had to juggle around some passengers.  My heart went out to all the families with small children as they tried to keep them content for so long, they must have been exhausted by the end of the trip.  There were many exciting stories and crazy little things that happened along the way which made the experience a fun adventure!

    The girls are convinced they are ready to go overseas now!  They really want to go this summer but since we were just there, they don’t have their passports yet, and the summer is already full we told them maybe the next time we travel overseas they can come.  I think the best part of the flight, according to the girls, was that they served us ice cream for a snack (they’ve never had ice cream on a plane before)!

    My family loves to travel, both flying and road trips.  Over the years (and after many trips) we have discovered ways to make the trips more enjoyable for whole family.  Do you travel overseas a lot?  What airlines have been your favorite?  Do you have any tips for flying with your family?

    The “Travel and Vacation” series is an insight into our trips together as a family and ways we relax.  Life is short and we were thrilled to have the opportunity to build memories with family and explore of of the most amazing places during our time away.  Explore with a good attitude, look for fun, and it will be an awesome trip jammed packed with positive memories.  It is refreshing having some time away from the regular routine.  Make it a once in a lifetime opportunity to meet new people and learn.  You just might see or try something new that takes your breath away!