• Gearing Up for the Garden Season!

    Brina’s “Rainbow of Vegetables”

    There are so many reasons why I love to garden!  This is the last haul from our garden last year.  I went out and picked everything I could in mid-November (yes November, we live in South Carolina and had a late freeze this winter) before our first major freeze and these are the vegetables that were still in the garden or producing.  Brina helped me wash all the vegetables and as we were sorting I was pulled away by a phone call, she continued sorting and made a “Rainbow of Vegetables” (see picture above).    She was quite pleased with her handiwork and I was pretty impressed too!

    Most of the items left that I picked that day were ripe and ready to eat.  A lot of the tomatoes were still pretty green but that isn’t a problem because we have containers that keep them fresh for quite awhile plus we have a couple of green tomato recipes.  I love that the girls will ask to eat a banana pepper or a whole tomato like it is an apple!  It was wonderful having fresh vegetables throughout the winter months too.

    Another reason our family enjoys gardening is that it gives us a wonderful opportunity to share with others.  Whether it was taking baskets of goodies over to our neighbors or sharing it with family and friends we really had a blast sharing the produce.  It was a great way to teach our children the joy of giving to others.  When we planted the garden our family decided that we would try to use half of the produce to feed our family and give the remaining half away to family, friends, neighbors, and others within our community.  While I cannot say how many pounds or the exact number of each produce we gave away or the exact amount we ate this past year I do know that our garden (despite my black thumb) produced more then it ever has in the past!

    To get us in the gardening mood, my sweet husband went out and bought a few seed packets.  He put the packets in various places throughout the house for us to find.  The girls have really been getting excited about starting the garden and trying out some of the new produce we have discovered over the last few months (like Bok Choy).  They love being outside, in the fresh air, playing, planting and picking the produce.  The only thing they don’t enjoy is the weeding, but I don’t know anyone that gets too excited about that piece.  As we gear up for another gardening season there is a lot to think about…..what to plant, where to plant each type, how many and so forth.  Do you have a family garden?  What are your favorite items to grow?

  • Heart Reflections: Giving from the Heart

    The gifts that Karlie and Brina wrapped up for their friends.

    The other day I had two pieces of left over wrapping paper from a baby shower gift that I gave to the girls to use.  They were busy for about thirty minutes in the dining room talking and wrapping their goodies.  Later I found out they had wrapped up a few small toys to give to a friend that they heard was moving because his parents were having financial problems.  Now the girls didn’t really understand much about what type of the financial problems but they did understand that their friend was having to sell some of his toys because of the move and family situation.  Without any prompting on mine or Jake’s part the girls carefully selected some special toys he would like (silly bands, match box cars, pencils, stickers, and a couple more items), wrapped them up, and brought the gifts in  for us to see.

    It was only when they brought us the completely wrapped gifts that we found out who they were planning on giving them to.  My heart overflowed with joy to know that the girls were willing to part with a few treasured toys to help a friend in need.  They were not just giving any toy, they were trying to find some of their favorite toys to give away.

    How often to I unconditionally give of my best to others?  Do I give from the heart or is it to receive notice or out of the feeling of obligation?  The most wonderful gift comes from the heart with no strings attached much like the greatest gift we have ever been given.  I am thankful for a Savior who gave his life for me and for girls who remind me of what it is like to give generously from the heart to those around us.

    Every man shall give as he is able, according to the blessing of the LORD your God

    which He has given you. Deuteronomy 16:17

  • Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive with United States Postal Services (Sat, May 14)

    You can help food for families in your local community who are in need of food.  All you have to do is leave a bag of food at your mailbox and it will be delivered to your local food bank. The Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive is another great opportunity that allows you to demonstrate to your kids what it looks like to share with others and be generous, better yet have them pick out their favorite non-perishable items to put in a bag and have them help you carry it to the mailbox.

    Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive Details:

    • Date: Saturday, May 14, 2001
    • What: Bag of Non-Perishable Food Items (Can and Boxed Goods)
    • How: Leave your bag at the mailbox for pickup by your mail carrier
    • Where Does it Go? The USPS will deliver your Food Items to your local Food Bank to benefit people in your community
    • More Information: Stamp Out Hunger

    We are blessed as a family.  Yes we have a family budget, use coupons, and shop clearance racks or buy used items but by being smart with our money it allows us the opportunity to share what we have with others.  The girls love participating in this event and I am thankful they enjoy giving to those within our community.