• CONGRATULATIONS Brina & Karlie! 5th Grade Graduation Ceremony!

    Proud of our girls!

    We are so proud of our girls!  They did it!  Both girls successfully completed all of their elementary school classes.  It is hard to believe that they are now heading into middle school.  They went to Crosswell for 7 years!  Thankful for all the great teachers and administration that invested all their time and energy into our girls.  They have grown and learned a lot of about life, friends, and increased their knowledge.

    Congratulations Brina & Karlie!

    Today was a big celebration for all they have accomplished in their schooling.  It came with a lot of emotions for me as their Mom.  I was thrilled and happy while at the same time sad knowing that my babies are growing up very quickly.  I want to hold onto and treasure these precious moments because these past few years have gone by way too fast.

      Brina getting her diploma from Mr. Holliday!

    We look forward to seeing them continue to grow.  They are sweet girls who have grown up so much.  It will be neat to see them transition into Middle School.  Love our girls!

      Karlie getting her diploma from Mr. Holliday!

    My girls are not babies anymore!

  • School: Family STEM Activity Night


    STEM Club team members getting ready to speak to family, friends, and school faculty.

    On Family STEM Activity Night all students and families were invited to participate in dinner, activities, and a STEM Club presentation.  Both of our girls spoke in front of all the school faculty, family, and friends that were at the event.  So proud of their courage and willingness to speak in front of so many people.  They did fantastic at the robotic competitions and speaking at the event.


     Karlie speaking.  Brina spoke too, but we didn’t get a clear picture of her.

    School - Family STEM Activity Night - P1400136c

    Our little super heroes!


    Karlie getting ready to test her balloon rocket.


    Mrs. Williams (Brina’s 4th grade homeroom teacher) helping Brina put her balloon on the string so she can race it.


    Mr. Moore (one of the STEM Club coaches) timing Brina’s balloon as it zips down the string to the target.


     Brina making her container for her egg drop.  You got 1 containers and could use 2 items.  She picked bubble wrap and yellow feathers!


    Karlie picked cotton balls and sponges for her egg drop container!


    There goes Karlie’s!


    Brina getting ready to watch her egg drop.  The girls were the first ones to not have their eggs break on the concrete (almost 40 people went in front of them)!


    Jake met us at the school.  He was great at building the tower out of spaghetti noodles and marshmallows.  They were given a specific amount of dry spaghetti noodles and marshmallows to see how high of tower they could build.  They had one of the highest towers when we left the room.


    Measuring the tower!  It was leaning a little, but could stand on it’s own without assistance!


     Our spaghetti noodle and marshmallow tower design!


     At the end of the night the school held a drawing for all the people that came.  We had the grand prize ticket – an Amazon Kindle!  The kindle has already been proven valuable on our last couple of road trips.  Instead of bringing extra books they can read a lot of books that we downloaded on the Kindle.  It’s been a nice item to have for the kids.  They are very lucky girls!

  • School Field Day


    Water relay races

    Recently the girls had their year end School Field Day.  I was able to go and watch them compete in the various activities during their event.  Thankful for an opportunity to spend time with them during the school day.  Glad they were able to have fun, spend some time outside in the fresh air, get some good exercise, and enjoy the sunny day with their classmates.

    School - Field Day - P1440049c

    Brina running in a chicken relay


    Karlie doing the chicken relay for her class


    Wheelbarrow race


    Soccer race


    Brina in the water cup relay


    Karlie on the run!


    Giggling the whole time she is running


    On her way back!  Laughing because she just got her teacher wet with her bucket of water.

  • First Lego League (FLL): State STEM Lego Robotics Competition


    So proud of the girls and their teammates!  They won a Judges Award Trophy at State!

    Last weekend we had the privilege of going with the girls to State STEM Lego Robotics Competition.  The competition is called FLL or First Lego League!  The state competition was in Columbia, South Carolina and they had to be there by 7:45 am on Saturday morning.  It was a full day, but it went by quickly.  The kids had several presentations in front of the judges as well as three rounds with their robot completing various tasks.  In between they had the opportunity to trade swag with other teams and doing various other activities.

    There were 60 teams participating at the event.  They were competing alongside a variety of great elementary and middle schools from around the state.  Even with that many teams and their first time at State they ended up bringing home a Judges Award trophy for the Rising Star.  The kids were so excited!

    Both the kids and their coaches have put in countless hours of research, programing, practice and more since October.  Thankful for a great team of coaches who volunteer their time after school twice a week to help mentor and encourage these kids to learn.  There are 4 faculty members from the kids school who help  – Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. Ponder, Mr. Moore, and Mrs. Husso.   They have truly been an amazing blessing to these kids!

    The quote the coaches gave at the beginning of this club year was – “It’s the hardest fun you’ll have!”  It is hard work, yet a great way to learn not only about STEM, robotics, research, but also how to work effectively as a team.  Proud of the team and coaches for all they were able to accomplish this year so far and looking forward to the fun things they have in store for the remaining meetings this year.


    One of the few times all 4 of us are matching (well 5 if you include Skipper who was not cooperating for the picture).  Jake and I had team shirts too! 🙂

    State STEM Lego Robotics Competition

    Solar SySTEM in the parade at the beginning of the event!


    First robotics map round!


    The kids were troopers and had great attitudes all day with all the activities, events, presentations, and more!


    Cheering and clapping for their team!

    State STEM Lego Robotics Competition

    The coaches put together goody bags for the kids to trade with the other teams at State!  Lots of good loot.  Not sure if our girls came home with many items that were originally in their bags!


    Listening intently to Coach Johnson’s instructions for an upcoming presentation.


    The kids designed and decorated their table displays, posters, presentation props, and more.


    Hanging out for a few minutes in between events with Coach Ponder!


    They had a few moments in between to relax a little and even play a game with friends.


    Ready for the next event!


    Watching closely!


    There were a lot of people at State FLL


    Waiting for the awards to be presented!


    Their team number was drawn to come up in front of every person and team at the FLL Competition!  They did a great job.  Karlie was the first one to answer a question in front of a huge crowd and she was so excited about her project she wasn’t nervous talking with a mike in front of a very large crowd!


    They won a trophy!  WOOHOO!


    Way to go!  Solar SySTEM team with 2 of their coaches.


    Yay!  It was a great day for the team!


    Love the FLL trophies!  They are made out of legos!  Very neat!


    Slogan and shirt designed by the kids!  “Stay in Orbit!”

  • Free Ebooks: 7 Habits That Will Change Your Life, House Cleaning Made Easy, Daily Wisdom for Women 2015 Devotional, Some Wore Blue and Some Wore Gray, Beautiful Battle, 50 Core American Documents, World War 2 Famous Battles, and more!

    The price to download these books is currently $0.00 (although the price may change at any time, please confirm prior to downloading).  The ebooks are specifically for Kindles, however, you can click here and download the free application that allows you to read Kindle ebooks on your PC. Download a free copy of The 7 Habits That Will Change Your Life Forever by Adam Houge Download a free copy of House Cleaning Made Easy – How to Clean Your House Fast, Easy, and Clutter Free by Stacey Sutton, House Cleaning, House Organizing, House Organizing, Organized House, Easy Cleaning, Home Organizing, and Cleaning Download a free copy of Daily Wisdom for Women 2015 Devotional Collection compiled by Barbour Staff Download a free copy of Some Wore Blue and Some Wore Gray by Heather Graham   Download a free copy of Beautiful Battle – A Woman’s Guide to Spiritual Warfare by Mary DeMuth Download a free copy of 50 Core American Documents – Required Reading for Students, Teachers, and Citizens by Christopher Burkett Download a free copy of World War 2 Famous Battles by Ryan Jenkins Download a free copy of The Working Chicken – Learn Everything You Need To Know To Become A Backyard Egg and Meat Producer by Anna Hess Download a free copy of Welcome to Our Home – Knit and Crochet Ideas from Red Heart by FaveCrafts Download a free copy of Practical Duct Tape Projects by Instructables Authors Download a free copy of Dog Training – Strategic Dog Training Tips For A Well-Trained, Obedient, and Happy Dog by Michael Kenssington

  • Free Tickets to Six Flags (Students & Teachers)

    Six Flags is offering free tickets to students and teachers.  Six Flags and Discovery Education are encouraging students to read through their Read to Succeed Program.   More details about the program below:

    Read to Succeed is a free educational program sponsored by Six Flags to inspire kids in grades K through 6 to engage in recreational reading. Students who complete six hours of recreational, nonschool-related reading are eligible to earn a free admission ticket to a participating Six Flags theme park. Teachers whose classes participate and complete the program are also eligible to earn a free ticket. Schools must be within a 250-mile radius of a participating Six Flags theme park in order to participate.

    Check to see if your school is participating.  It looks like even those homeschooling can participate in this program.  They are starting this program in January 2011, but you can go ahead and sign up now. It is wonderful seeing companies rewarding students for reading. 

    Thanks Money Saving Mom and The Freebie Blogger!