• Little Town On The Prairie by Laura Ingalls Wilder

    A couple weeks ago I finished reading Little Town on the Prairie by Laura Ingalls Wilder to the girls.  It is the seventh book in the Little House series.  It is hard to believe we are flying through this series and before long we’ll be done.  The girls loved these books so much I am already thinking about if I should do another series or something similar next.

    Now that the long winter of blizzards is over the Ingalls family is heading back out to the homestead to work the land.  Laura got a new job, attended some fun parties in town, and began to spend time with Almanzo Wilder.  She continues to study hard for the teacher’s test so she can help Pa and Ma keep Mary in school.  Mary is going to college for the blind.  Even though Laura is fifteen years old she past the test and receives her teaching certificate early.

  • Teacher “Thank You” Gifts

    Thank You goodies for the girls teachers!

    For Thanksgiving the girls always enjoy bringing in a “thank you” note and a little surprise for their teacher.   Here is one where they put M&M’s in a mason jar, added a ribbon on top, and a little note.  The note said:

    Mrs. __________,

    We are a thankful for a Magnificent & Marvelous teacher this year!

    Happy Thanksgiving!


    Brina & Karlie

    If you are looking for a simple and easy thank you gift for a teacher, friend, neighbor, or family member this is a great one to try!