• Teaching Our Children: Target Practicing Skills

    A few weeks ago the girls were reminiscing about our adventure earlier this year to the local Shooting Range so we decided to take out Daddy’s paintball gun and have them try target practicing off the back porch.  They almost always hit the tree they were aiming for even if it was in different spots.  The paintball gun was lighter so they could hold it themselves and it gave us another opportunity to discuss gun safety as well as a chance for them to target practice for a little bit.

    Brina trying to hit the tree with the paint ball gun.

    I think Brina actually enjoyed the paintball gun more.  It was really easy to see if she hit her target.  “Splatting” the tree brought several triumphant giggles as they hit their unsuspecting target.

    Karlie target practing with the paintball gun.

    Each girl had their own color of paint to make it easier to see where they had hit the target.  This activity was a great way to teach kids learning about gun safety and target practicing without having to deal with as much danger or gun powder residue.  The girls had a blast and were very pleased with being able to hit the target.