• Teaching Our Children: Target Practicing Skills

    A few weeks ago the girls were reminiscing about our adventure earlier this year to the local Shooting Range so we decided to take out Daddy’s paintball gun and have them try target practicing off the back porch.  They almost always hit the tree they were aiming for even if it was in different spots.  The paintball gun was lighter so they could hold it themselves and it gave us another opportunity to discuss gun safety as well as a chance for them to target practice for a little bit.

    Brina trying to hit the tree with the paint ball gun.

    I think Brina actually enjoyed the paintball gun more.  It was really easy to see if she hit her target.  “Splatting” the tree brought several triumphant giggles as they hit their unsuspecting target.

    Karlie target practing with the paintball gun.

    Each girl had their own color of paint to make it easier to see where they had hit the target.  This activity was a great way to teach kids learning about gun safety and target practicing without having to deal with as much danger or gun powder residue.  The girls had a blast and were very pleased with being able to hit the target.

  • Vacation & Travel: Vermont Fun & Celebrations

    Karlie, Daddy, and Brina putting together their lego creations!

    Thankful for a husband who invests time in the lives of the children.  The girls adore their Daddy!  I love all three of you so very much!

    Writing and drawing on tree bark.

    It is amazing the cool stuff you find in Vermont.  As Daddy and PopPop were splitting wood these pieces of paper fell off  of the tree and the girls thought they were the neatest “craft” paper.

    Daddy taking Brina for a short ride on the four wheeler.

    Brina all smiles after her ride on the four wheeler with Daddy.  So much fun!

    Karlie's turn on the 4-wheeler

    Karlie is pleased with herself for “helping” Daddy drive the four wheeler!

    Karlie and Brina riding with PopPop on the tractor.

    The tractor was out so the girls enjoyed riding for a few minutes with PopPop!

    Fun times in Vermont

    It’s the little stuff that make them smile.  Thankful for opportunity to spend time with Nana and PopPop.

    Celebrating Nana's Birthday!

    We were able to celebrate Nana’s birthday during our visit.  The girls helped make and decorate the cake for the party.

    Blowing out the candles!

    It was a blessing to share Nana’s birthday with her!

    PopPop and the girls!

    Brina admiring the butterfly plates while PopPop and Karlie watch Nana cut the birthday cake.

    Nana enjoying her birthday!

    Nana is a beautiful lady both inside and out. We love you Nana!  Thanks for sharing your birthday with us.

    PopPop getting into the festivities!

    Fun times with PopPop.

    Karlie target practicing with Daddy.

     Karlie did pretty well hitting the target.

    Brina had a blast practicing.

    Brina thought is was a lot of fun to sh0ot and find all the empty casings.

    Boutique of fresh and wild flowers from Vermont!

    Brina and Karlie loved picking the beautiful flowers from PopPop’s garden and along the trails.

    Enjoying some sparkler time!

    Standing on the rocks spelling out their names with sparklers!

    Brina and Karlie saying goodbyes to PopPop and Nana.

    Time to head home.  Saying goodbye and ready for the final leg of our long road trip!  We are thankful for our time with PopPop and Nana in Vermont.

    A Vacation To Remember series is a reflection on our recent trip and ways we relaxed.  Life is short and we were thrilled to have the opportunity to build memories with family and explore of of the most amazing places during our time away.  Explore with a good attitude, look for fun and it will be an awesome trip jammed packed with positive memories.  It is refreshing having some time away from the regular routine.  Make it a once in a lifetime opportunity to meet new people and learn.  You just might see or try something new that takes your breath away!