• Heart Reflections: Living Life in the Fast Line….Going from 0 to 70 in Seconds

    So often I feel like I am living life in the fast lane……zooming through life faster and faster.  I don’t necessary hit the top speed but I am holding steady at a high pace for days and there is always some where to be or something to do.  It is possible to fill up every blank space in your calendar (believe me I have seen it).  There are those days, weeks, or months when I am just waiting for life to slow down a little bit so I can catch a deep breath, but when that glorious day arrives I realize that all the stuff I couldn’t squeeze into the schedule before hand has spilled over into that time that was once reserved for a quiet day.

    Notice in the top right corner of the picture the “service engine soon” light is on.   One of the things I found myself skipping (which is kind of embarrassing to admit) is my quiet time with God.  Much like the “service engine light” on the van I need to be recharged or have a tune up as well.  My relationship with Christ has a significant impact on all my relationships, yet there are days when I choose to neglect the most important relationship of all because life simply just gets too busy.

    When life gets too busy and I get stuck running full speed in the fast lane God has a way of slowing me down and getting my attention.  Earlier this summer my husband was in a car accident.  If you just looked at the vehicle the damage looked devastating, but thankfully God spared his life and he walked away with only minor injuries.  I am truly grateful for God’s protection and goodness in this situation.  Over the past couple months as we’ve been juggling one car, looking for another vehicle, and spending some extra time together I am reminded of His amazing grace and mercy for me.  I love my husband so very much, but God loves me even more and longs to have a personal relationship with me.  Why would I hold back from the most awesome relationship in my life?

    I make time for what is important in my life – God, family, work, ministry, friends or whatever else that may be.  Every person gets 24 hours a day.  How do I spend my day, what are my priorities, am I making a positive impact on the lives around me, or am I just rushing through the “to do” list and jammed packed schedule while trying to catch my breath in between?  How are my relationships being effected by my decisions?

    Sometimes the best thing I can do is stop, take a break, and enjoy extra time focusing on the what’s truly important.  When my heart is in the right place, my relationship with God is open and honest life seems brighter because I don’t have to live life in the fast lane or have to be the one in control because He holds my life and future in his hands.  Being a Wife, Mom, Friend, and everything else can be tough some days, but when you have your priorities in line it really can be quite enjoyable.  We all need to take some time every now and then to slow down, relax, and service the check engine light of our soul.

  • Free Audio Book: “Hearing God” by Dallas Willard

    For the month of June Christian Audio is offering a free download of an audio book .  This month the audio book is Hearing God by Dallas Willard.

    Being close to God means communicating with him–telling him what is on our hearts in prayer and hearing and understanding what he is saying to us. It is this second half of our conversation with God that is so important but that can also be so difficult. How do we hear his voice? How can we be sure that what we think we hear is not our own subconscious? What role does the Bible play? What if what God says to us is not clear?  (information from Christian Audio)

    If you have been wanting to a book to listen to throughout the day or while driving then this is a great opportunity to get a book for free when you download it from Christian Audio in June.   Make sure to submit your order by June 30, 2012  to get your free audio book.  Thanks Christian Audio!