• Book: “Swiss Family Robinson” by Johann Wyss

    Before I headed out on my India adventure I started reading one of my favorite books as a kid to the girls, Great Illustrated Classics The Swiss Family Robinson by Johann Wyss.  My Mom finished reading the book to the girls while I was away and then watched the movie with them.  Karlie was convinced that she was ready to live on an island in a tree house after reading the book and watching the movie (although she said it would be ok if the pirates didn’t come).

    It has been a lot of fun reading the girls some of my favorite books as a kid.  They love listening and enjoy the adventures the stories take us on.  This book is about the Robinson family that gets shipwrecked on an island.  The family learns to live off the land, build a home in the trees, and their journey.  It is full of great adventures as the family explores their new home.  If you have kids that love being read to this is a fun book for the whole family.  Plus after reading the book you can watch the movie which is always something great to look forward to as well.