• Hop, Skip, Jump, Play, Swing, and Braid


    All the kids had various ways to go up and down the road before they could open their treasure box – including running, skipping, hopping on one foot, hopping on two feet, etc….

    After breakfast every morning while the cousins were here the five kids got to open up an envelope with clues leading to that days treasure chest.  Before opening the treasure chest for the day they were required to complete the tasks or solve the puzzles before locating the treasure chest.  It was something fun that they looked forward to doing every morning.  All the kids participating and had a blast completing the tasks assigned each morning.  Every morning it was something different (sometimes it was a puzzle, scavenger hunt,  physical activity, or something else).


    They are almost to the finish line!  Keep going!  They all made it and received their goodies for the day.


    Sweet girls drying off and doing some chalk drawings after a swim in the pool


    Noah and Skipper!  Skipper loved having all the kids running around and playing outside all week!


    Aunt Mirm showing the girls a neat game!



    Brina loves little kids!  She was so sweet pushing her two little cousins in the swings.  Too cute!


    Aunt Mirm wanted to try a new type of hairdo and Karlie was her test subject…..needless to say Karlie was patient, but not overly impressed with the styling.  She was a good sport about it though!


    Brina undid her braids that Aunt Mirm had done.  She loved having her snazzy crinkled hair that day!


    Brina wanted me to take a picture of the back of her hair too!

  • Curious Kids: Swing Experiment!

    Notice anything odd about the jungle gym?

    The girls are always asking questions and trying new things.  As parents we get the privilege to answer these questions and teach them more about how things work.  Occasionally, they come up with some interesting ideas on their own.  I love how they use their creativity and are able to pull together some fun experiments.  Not every creative moment ends up perfect but glad to see them thinking outside the box.

    We were outside playing one sunny winter afternoon when I looked over at the girls playing on the swing set and noticed something a little odd.  They had taken their cherry red lawn chairs from the front porch and put them on top of the swings on the jungle gym.  It was hilarious watching them swing on the lawn chairs.  A piece of me was thrilled that they figured out how to “invent” something silly yet not dangerous.  They had a blast swinging on their “redneck” swings.  It was great hearing their bursts of giggles as they watched each other swing.

    They came up with this creative Redneck "swing" all on their own!
    They did pretty well swinging on their little red lawn chairs!

    Karlie and Brina Swinging on their silly swings!
    So proud of their little experiment!

    It was pretty funny watching them swing on those little red lawn chairs.  They were so excited their experiment worked out so well.  As Jake and I moved around in the yard the girls would just rotate their chair swings to face us.  They make me laugh with some of the things they come up with but I am glad to see their imaginations running full throttle!

    What started out as mere curiosity ended up being a fun new way to enjoy time swinging on the jungle gym.  Encourage your kids to be creative and curious, you never know what you’ll see when you come around the corner!

    Curious Kids is a series of posts on various questions kids ask as well as creative things they come up with on their own.  If you have ever been around a toddler you know they will have a season when they start asking all the “Why” questions.  Then as your toddler gets older you begin to see them start experimenting with objects, becoming even more creative, and trying to figure out new ways to make things work.  As a parent of Twins my girls hit those stages at the same time!  I was (and am) determined to not answer….”Because I said so” to their questions and allow them the freedom to be creative (as long as it isn’t dangerous) but there there are days when it is difficult coming up with all the answers to their questions and the mess behind their “creative” experiments sometimes gets a little too crazy for even Mom.  Most days I love having the opportunity to teach my girls and encourage them to use their curiosity to be creative when they play!