• Travel & Vacation: Character Breakfast at the Garden Grove (Orlando, FL)


    Meeting Goofy at Breakfast!

    We were able to go to the Saturday morning Character Breakfast at Garden Grove Cafe while we were in Orlando.  It is located on the Swan and Dolphin Resort, but anyone can come and eat there if they want.  They had great food and we got to meet a couple of the Disney Characters during our meal.  The girls thought it was pretty neat too.  If you do want to eat at a character to meal make sure you work that into your budget while in the planning stages because they are a little higher priced than some of the other options.  Also, if you have a choice choose the breakfast over the dinner Character meal because it is a little less expensive.  If you have older kids any kid 10 years and up is charged the adult prices (both for the meal as well as to get into the Disney parks).

    The kids did amazing the entire week.  We were going full throttle this entire week, they didn’t miss a beat, and had great attitudes.  We were going from sun up to way past sun down every night too.  They did crash as soon as the hit the pillows every night, but still popped up as soon as the first ray of sunlight hit our room!

    Purple Flowers, Snake, Epcot, Disney, Walt Disney, Breakfast, Buffet, Fun, Activities,

     Delicious food complete with a Mickey Mouse Waffle!  The fresh fruit and fresh fruit smoothies were amazing!!!


    Having fun even at breakfast!


     Hanging out with Pluto!


     Love spending time with my man!

  • Travel & Vacation: Swan & Dolphin Resort Pools (Orlando, FL)


    Beautiful view and we almost had the pool to ourselves!

    During our time at the Swan & Dolphin Resorts the kids had to check out their pools.  Yes, they have several pools and a playground.  We had a blast swimming and splashing around in their pools on the hottest day.  The girls can spend hours swimming around.


    Brina floating around!


    Karlie having fun!


    Being goofy under the water!


    How long can you hold your breathe


    Brina coming down the slide next to one of the pools.


    That was fun, let’s do it again!


    Karlie ready to go


    Karlie moving right along!


    I barely got a shot of her coming around the corner!  They loved the slide!


    A pool with a waterfall.  How awesome is that!?


    Hanging out by the waterfall.


    This pool was much quieter, but one of their favorites because it was easier to dive for items since it was less crowded.  That’s our hotel in the back ground.


    Swimming around


    Brina loves her goggles and her eyes don’t get nearly are red from the chlorine.


    Taking a break to chat


    Stopping for a few minutes to relax.