• Travel & Vacation: Little Notes of Love

    Hidden I love you notes on the DVD shelf

    I love my girls to pieces…..and then a little more.  It is important to me that they know how much they are loved and treasured.  One of the ways I spread the love is by writing surprise notes for them.  When I go on a trip or at random times throughout the week I put a note someplace that they will be sure to see.  It is worth investing a little extra time each week to show my family that I am thinking about them.  Several of these notes were from a trip I took earlier this year.  Here are a few other little notes of love I have shared with my kids.  Although most of the notes are simple they have a huge positive ripple effect on my kids making it worth every second I spend doing it.

    Love note to my girls.

    This particular note is posted on the hallway wall outside their bedroom door.

    Little Love Note to Karlie on the inside of her new notebook

    Brina’s Little Love Note on her new notebook

    Just in case she forgot this was on the wall next to her bed!

    Note to Brina posted right next to her bed!

    Little Love Note written on the inside of a white box and sat on the ping pong table (with a little treat for each kid.)

    There are those days when we all could use a bear hug!  When “Mom’s” not there to give a hug a sister is a great substitute!  This sign was posted on their bedroom door.

  • Sweet Surprise Gifts from My Handsome Man!

    Little gift from my handsome man in the medicine cabinet!

    I love it when my sweet man leaves surprise goodies for me.  Here are some of the fun ones he left me when he went on a trip earlier this year.  Thankful for an amazing husband who loves me and is very thoughtful.  Love you Jake!

    Love notes across the floor from from my man!

    Some sweets from my sweetheart hidden in my closet!

    Yes, he even left powdered donuts on the shower nozzles, ha!

    Seed packets left in the kitchen cupboard with the coffee mugs

    Yes, even seed packets on my laptop!  So sweet!

    Seed packet on the deep freezer too!