• Mother’s Day Celebration!

    Happy Mother's Day! Family Picture!My family

    Thankful for an opportunity to be a Mom! Being a Mom is an amazing honor and privilege that quite frankly scares me some days.  It’s good to know that the call of Motherhood is not a place for us to be alone, but a place where we get the opportunity to live life alongside other Mothers and sisters who can pray, encourage, and support each other throughout this incredible journey.

    I am thankful for my Mother and the many Mothers and sisters in my life that continue to make an impact on my heart.  We live in a broken world full of broken people therefore it is impossible to be perfect and being a Mom tends to make that oh so clear.  It is essential and refreshing to have people who are willing to speak truth and love into your life on a regular basis.  I am grateful for each and every one of these ladies in my life.

    Mother's Day - Breakfast in Bed

     Breakfast in bed – fresh cherries, fresh pineapple, yogurt, and an omelet (ham, cheese, mushroom, spinach, and tomatoes)!  Delicious!

    Jake and the girls made my Mother’s Day extra special.  I received breakfast in bed, hugs, and well wishes.  After breakfast we went to church together and heard a powerful message that hit home in my heart.  When we got home Jake and the girls (okay, mostly Jake) made an amazing lunch followed by a relaxing evening.  The girls gave me sweet cards, beautiful flowers, a blueberry bush, a swing cushion, and other goodies.

    It is not always easy being a Mom, however, there are more good days and great memories than I can count.  Some days are a little tough and I get frustrated with myself for not being able to do better, but I never regret becoming a Mom.  Motherhood is one of life’s greatest gifts and callings.  It is an honor and a little scary at times raising kids.

    Although life gets a little crazy at times I wouldn’t change it for anything.  It has been a wonderful gift seeing these two little blessings grow up.  They continue to amaze me and it is awesome seeing them use their talents.

    Happy Mother's Day

    One of the several beautiful and Sweet Mother’s Day signs.  This one is from Karlie and I discovered it sitting on my desk!  Love my girls!

  • Raising Young Children Together

    Yesterday, I had the privilege of attending a local area MOPS group.  The topic was on “Honoring Your Parents”.  Many times we think this is a topic for our children, however, it continues to have applications for us as adults when interacting with our parents and in-laws.  We all grew up in different homes and have encountered a variety of situations throughout our lives.  Every one of us is on a our own journey and we need God’s grace to get us through each day.  He is continuing to do great things in our lives as well as in the hearts and lives of people around us.  When our hearts are changed it should have an effect on the relationships in our lives  (including our immediate and extended family). The decisions that both parents, extended family, and friends make impacts on the lives of our kids.  Are our reactions helping or hurting others?  What a great message!  Thanks Jay!

    If you are a Mom of young children I encourage you to check out a MOPS program in your area.  Being a Mom of little ones is a busy season in our lives so having the opportunity to spend time with other Moms is a true blessing.   Surrounding yourself with Moms going through a similar stage in life uplifts the spirit and provides a common bond.

    What is MOPS?  The initials stand for “Mothers of Preschoolers”.  Any Mom that is pregnant or has kids up through kindergarten is welcome to participate in a MOPS program.  The goal is to bring Moms together to have fun, encourage each other, and be the best Moms we can be.  Click here to find a MOPS group located near you.  I hope you enjoy your time of fellowship with Moms in your area!

    More information about the organization can be found on the MOPS website.

    No referrals are received by sharing this information.  This information is to help encourage Moms as they raise little ones.  I cannot guarantee that every group will be perfect and/or tailored to your specific needs.  It has been beneficial for me and I hope it will be for your family as well.  Please contact MOPS directly for more detailed information on MOPS and for a list of groups in your area.