• Flashback Friday: First & Second Time at the Pool

    Flashback Friday - Brina a little unsurec

    Brina a little unsure about this whole “pool” idea

    Today’s flashback Friday goes back about 10 years when the girls first were introduced to a pool.  The first trip to the pool with the Greenville Mother’s of Multiples Club family party.  We didn’t even have swimming suits for them yet so we took them in onesies and swimmer diapers.  They were not to thrilled about the pool the first time around.  Both were a little surprised and not overly excited about it.  You would never know that now though!

    The second time we went to a pool was about a week later with our friend Mike and Ashley.  We had gotten the girls swimsuits in the meantime and they did a little better the second time around.  Still not thrilled about it, but they tolerated it better.

    Brina's first dipc

    Brina was a little surprised by the pool water.

    Brina getting used to the waterc

    Brina slowly getting used to the water on her feet while sitting in Daddy’s lap.

    Brina standing in the poolc

    Brina standing up in the pool, still not sure about this whole pool thing.

    Brina thinking about sitting downc

    Brina thinking about sitting down, but still disturbed by the pool.

    Brina was very curious at why the other swimmers were having func

    Brina was very curious by all the other kids swimming around her.  Why do they look like they are having so much fun!?

    Karlie doesn't really know about this pool thingc

    Karlie’s first dip into the pool.  She was not happy!

    Karlie encounters the pool for the first timec

    Karlie’s thinking that maybe this isn’t too bad.  Daddy seems to think it’s okay…

    Karlie getting used to the poolc

    Jake sprinkled a little water over her head.  She wasn’t entirely sure if she liked that.

    Karlie meets another twinc

    Karlie sitting on Daddy’s lap talking with another twin.  He wanted to know why she didn’t like playing in the pool, ha!

    Karlie sitting on the bottom of the poolc

    Karlie getting used to the water and she sits there for a minute.

    Karlie still a little unsure but safe on Daddy's lapc

    Karlie looking at Mommy for help and confirmation that this pool thing was okay.

    Karlie wants to know if we can get rid of the big ball of light in the sky, it is really brightc

    Karlie – “Can someone turn off the bright light overhead!”  She was not a fan of the bright sunny day and if she was directly in the sun would just close her eyes and whimper.  Poor baby girl.

    Relaxing after their first pool experience, Brina and Karliec

    Survived their first “pool swim” or should we say little dip!  They were much more content to be back in the bassinet together.

     Brina and Karlie stripped down and drying off in their bassinetc

    Swimming at the pool was EXHAUSTING!  They were out for a nap within a few minutes of drying off and getting into the bassinet.  (Brina and Karlie)

    Flashback Friday - Did someone say swimming (Brina and Karlie)c

    Brina and Karlie got their cool new swimming suits and ready to go again.    They think it’s funny now as they are at home sitting in the chair together….

    Flashback Friday - Aunt Ashley and Brinac

    Brina with Aunt Ashley at the pool.  She is still not convinced that this is a good idea!

    Brina, Mommy, and Karlie swimmingc

    Mommy taking Brina and Karlie out into the pool.  They were very intent on watching the pool water, like its going to get them or something.

    Karlie, Brina and Mommy in the poolc

    Mommy with Karlie and Brina.  They tolerated the pool better this time around with only a few tears.  Thankfully it was a small quiet pool.

    Flashback Friday - Brina getting warm after her swimc

    Brina all snuggled up in her dry towel.  She is now ready for her nap.

    Brina's pruned feet-love itc

    Look at those pruney little tootsie toes!  So cute!

    Daddy warming up Karliec

     Karlie is getting sleepy.  Swimming is hard work Dad!

  • Teaching Our Children: About Solar and Lunar Eclipses


    Jake teaching the girls about eclipses!

    Recently the girls were learning about eclipses for their science unit in school.  Even though we had studied that section for a couple days they were not consistently getting the concept.  Jake came up with a great visual tool to demonstrate the solar and lunar eclipses so that the girls to remember it more easily.  Thankful for a husband who is creative and invests time in teaching our kids!  Thanks Babe!

    Diagram - Balloon & Orange

    The orange is the moon and the balloon is the Earth.  We used a flashlight for the sun!


    For kids who are visual learners this is an easy way to help them grasp the differences between a solar and lunar eclipse!

    We shut off the room lights so they could see how the sun (flashlight), moon (orange), and Earth (balloon) aligned to make a solar and lunar eclipse.

    Solar Eclipse:

    During a solar eclipse the Moon will cast a shadow on the Earth.  When a solar eclipse happens the moon is in between the sun and the Earth.  You can demonstrate this by placing the moon (orange) between the sun (flashlight) and the Earth (balloon).  When the Moon is between the Earth and Sun it will block some of the sun from hitting the Earth and cast a shadow.  Only the people directly in the shadow can see the entire eclipse of the Sun.

    Lunar Eclipse:

    During a lunar eclipse the Earth will cast a shadow on the Moon, therefore no light will be hitting the Moon.  The Earth will cast a shadow on the Moon because it is between the Sun and the Moon.  You can demonstrate this by placing the Earth (balloon) between the Sun (flashlight) and the Moon (orange).  Since the Earth is bigger than the Moon the entire Moon will be in its shadow.  Anyone on Earth that is on the night side can see the lunar eclipse.

    If you really want to “show” the kids more about the Solar and Lunar Eclipse you may be able to catch the next one depending on where you are located and if the weather cooperates for you!

    Next Lunar Eclipse: Saturday, April 4, 2015 – It will be a Total Lunar Eclipse and will be visible before dawn from the Pacific Ocean, Americas, Asia, and Australia.

    Next Solar Eclipse:  Friday, March 20, 2015 – It will be Total Solar Eclipse and will be visible from Iceland, Europe, North Africa,  and Northern Asia (unfortunately, we will not be able to see it in North America).  It looks like the next one we’ll see from the United States will be on August 21, 2017 which will be visible from North America and South America.

  • Song: “Starry Night” by Chris August


    This song stands out to me and makes me appreciate our creator.  “The only One who makes the moon reflect the sun…”  In January we had the opportunity to go on a cruise and we got a glance of some of the earth’s amazing treasures.  If you think about it even for a few minutes you will see the beauty of the world we live in.  Take a moment this week to go outside and look at everything we have to be thankful for around us (birds, flowers, starry sky, sun, and so much more).

  • Heart Reflections: Stretching Towards the Sun

    Our family has recently planted a garden.  Since it had been getting cool at night we started the seedlings inside.  Every day I have watched and nurtured those little plants.  Some of the seeds popped up quickly while others never came up.  As I watched the plants growing each one stretched out their leaves towards the light.  Once they were big enough we transplanted them outside in our garden.  Shortly after planting them we had a night of heavy wind, rain, and even hail followed by a frost on the ground a few days later.  Even though it was “safe” for us to plant the garden outside there are still risks and dangers.  Many of the seedlings survived the tough few weeks of new growth, however, some did not make it.  Although, our hope was that every plant would thrive we know that nature will do some natural pruning especially in the weaker plants.  For whatever reason some plants didn’t make it (something caused the undesirable side effect…maybe the roots were too shallow or wet / dry or too much shade / sunny or bugs or a number of other factors) .  On the other hand some plants thrived despite all the challenges they faced.

    While I was thinking about the plants it occurred to me that the analogy can be applied in some ways to our own lives.  We should be looking towards the Son at all times, the one who created us.  We all grow at our own pace, some of us may have sprouted quickly while others are delayed but have a more solid root structure.  Even though life may not be perfect and we may experience seasons of drought, hail, or disease we still have a choice of where to focus our attention.  Once we decide where we will focus our energy we will experience a variety of ripple effects (sometimes the effects are positive and other times they can can be less desirable).  When we are in stressful situations do we continue to grow or do we wither under the pressure of life? We all want to continue growing, thriving and producing a beautiful fruit.   The big step is making sure our root structure is strong and secure.  We do this through continually cultivating a relationship with our Savior.  Yes, this will take our time, energy and nurturing, but in the end it is worth it.  We all want to feel loved, appreciated and valued yet so often we look towards our earthly relationships to provide that fulfillment whether it is through our spouse, children, serving at church or whatever fills that void.  Instead we should look to our creator who made us, never fails, and loves us unconditionally.  As we notice flowers and plants stretching towards the sun, let that remind us of the importance of reaching towards the Son in our own lives as well.

    “Heart Reflections” is a series of thoughts and encouragement that come directly from my heart.  Life has a way of throwing us extra challenges and when our focus is pulled away from what is truly important we tend to feel the pressure of stress in our lives.  This series is created to remind us that we are part of something so much bigger than ourselves.  We don’t have to face the pressure of life on our own.  We can trust that our prayers are being heard.  He alone knows what’s best for us and gives us the appropriate strength to get through each day as it is set before us.

    Photo by Stig Nygaard