• SMILING IT FORWARD™ with Tylenol®

    The makers of TYLENOL® were so inspired by the “feel better” smiles shared organically by moms across the country online that they’ve teamed up with How I Met Your Mother star and mom of two, Alyson Hannigan, to launch the SMILING IT FORWARD™ campaign

    Today I’m SMILING IT FORWARD™  because there’s nothing in this world that makes me smile more than seeing my children happy and healthy!

    Our girls were born 7 weeks early so they started out in the NICU.  We have made numerous trips to the pediatrician and various doctors over the past few years.  You know you’ve been to the doctor a lot when you are on first name basis with the staff at the doctor’s office!

    As a mom I have learned that one of the most stressful times is when your child is sick, especially as infants when they cannot tell you what hurts.  I usually see the first sign of sickness in my daughter’s eyes then I start noticing that she’s not really playing or acting like her normal cheery self.  Sometimes if I catch it early enough we can ward off the sickness or at least lessen the severity of it, with some extra liquids and rest.  But, unfortunately it is not always possible to get them feeling better before the full sickness sets in.

    Sick kids usually mean more snuggles and attention from mom.  It also usually results in a tired mom who is being woken up in the middle of the night, running to the store for extra Gatorade, holding a cool cloth on their forehead while waiting for the medicine to kick in, encouraging them to eat or drink tidbits, cleaning up sick messes, and many more tasks.  While a sick kid is exhausting for mom that moment when she gets to feeling better and you see that smile break free it is worth it all.   Shortly after you see that smile you know she’ll be back to her happy self soon!

    Here’s the picture I shared on SMILING IT FORWARD™

    What makes you smile? What picture will you share?


    Between September 17, 2013 and January 31, 2014, McNeil Consumer Healthcare Division of McNEIL-PPC, Inc., the makers of TYLENOL®, is inviting anyone 18 and older to share a photo that makes them smile on SmilingItForward.com. Each photo approved & shared will trigger a $1.00 donation from TYLENOL® to Children’s Health Fund, with a minimum donation of $75,000 and a maximum donation of $100,000. Review Terms and Conditions for complete program details. For information about Children’s Health Fund, visit www.childrenshealthfund.org

    In addition to sharing your photos, you can also visit:

    I have received information and products from McNeil Consumer Healthcare Division of McNEIL-PPC, Inc., the makers of TYLENOL®. The opinions stated are my own. This is a sponsored post for SheSpeaks.