• Travel & Vacation: Exploring Washington, DC – Trolley Ride, Sightseeing, and Iwo Jima Marine Corps Memorial

    Washington DC

    Brina all smiles and ready to go for the day.

    Our second day exploring Washington DC.  We were up early again so we can pack in a day full of fun.  Our first stop was the Union Station where we parked the van and caught a ride on the trolley.  We soaked up all the cool sights as we made our way through town.  Thankful for our time together!


    Karlie all geared up with her camera ready to take some pictures while on Washington’s Old Town Trolley!

    Washington DC

    Washington and Jefferson Monuments reflecting on the calm and peaceful Potomac River.


     Karlie thought it was hilarious that several USPS mail drop boxes were painted to look like Sponge Bob.  The reason the post office made the mail boxes to look like Sponge Bob was to encourage kids to write more letters.  I wonder if it is working?


    Riding up the escalator so we can head to the next adventure!


    Karlie walking around the Marine memorial and soaking in all the sights around her.


    Our family at the Iwo Jima Marine Corps Memorial in Washington DC.  It was a super sunny day so all our family pictures were a little cloudy with a rainbow on the memorial.


    The Iwo Jima Marine Corps Memorial in Washington DC is one of my favorite.  It shows great pride for our country and team spirit among the Marine soldiers.

     We were able to cover a lot of ground in Washington, D.C. thanks to the Old Town Trolley taking us around.  It was a well worth the cost because it was a fast and easy way to get through the city to all the major sights.  Plus we didn’t have to waste time finding parking at each place or walking everywhere.  On the second day we went further out in the morning to Arlington Cemetery than on to the Smithsonian Institution – National Museum of Natural History, Iwo Jima, and more!  We packed in a lot of fun, learning, and sight seeing on our second day in Washington D.C.  It is a great place to explore with the family!