• Sweet Snow Day Treats


    Hot Chocolate

    Usually after the kids come back in from playing in the snow they want something hot to drink.  Hot chocolate and apple cider are typically the most popular favorites in our house.  The other day we had hot chocolate with heart marshmallows which was a hit with the kids.  Snow days through us a little off schedule, but the extra time with the kids is so worth it.  Sitting around the table sipping hot chocolate, talking, and laughing is one of the best parts of having a snow day.


    Hot, delicious, and sweet!  Perfect on a cold snowy day!


    Chocolate Snow Cream.  The girls have made snow cream with me so many times over the past years that they do it all on their own now.  This is a batch they whip up during the last snow storm.

    Here are a couple of snow cream recipes we like to use:

  • Furry Critters Who are Not Fans of the Snow


    Snowball and Oreo peeking out at us!

    We have two furry family members who are not big fans of the snow.  They don’t like coming out and getting their feet wet.  It is more appealing for them to just stay inside for the most part nibbling on hay, grain, drinking water, and sleeping.   They did brave it a couple times and came out for treats sometimes, but not very often.  Most of the time they would look at us like we were crazy for being out hiking around in the snow.


    They would rather be hanging out inside eating hay!  Such a tough life for the goats!


    Leaning out the door to watch us.  Oreo came out more often than Snowball.


    Oreo came out to say “hi” and snag a fresh vegetable.  Snowball decided to stay inside.