• Summer Activities: Swimming with Friends

    Brina carrying the Noodles!

    Our family is blessed with amazing extended family and friends in our lives.  Many of our long time friends have become like family to us. One of the activities I enjoy during the summer is a chance to catch up with family and friends.  The girls and I had an opportunity to hang out with some friends and go swimming not too long ago.  It was a fun day full of swimming, giggling, and a picnic lunch.

    Karlie had a blast swimming and playing!

    The pool was huge and very few people who were using it while we were there so we had most of it to ourselves.  The girls had fun splashing and playing while the Moms enjoyed the cool water and catching up.  I am thankful for great times to spend with friends.  Both of my girls crashed on the way home after swimming and having a picnic lunch.  If you are looking for a new subdivision with a really nice pool I have one I can recommend.  Thanks Christina for a great day!