• Heart Reflections: Is Anyone Cheerful?

    A few weeks ago I read a verse that stuck in my head.  The verse reminded me of the importance of praying for others and giving thanks not only for what is happening in our immediate families but for the lives of those we touch everyday.

    Is anyone among you suffering?

    There are people around you everyday that are suffering.  Some days you may be suffering as well.  When you meet with a friend, family member, or acquaintance that is going through a tough time what do you do?  It is wonderful to take time to listen and encourage.   What does the Bible say about those who are suffering?  The answer “let him pray”.  The best thing you can do when you are going through a trial or you know of someone who is suffering is to pray.

    Is anyone cheerful?

    There is so much negativity that surrounds us every day that it can sometimes be more difficult finding people who are cheerful.  Are we focusing on the positive blessings in our life everyday?  How are we encouraging those around us?  Is cheerfulness seen in your life?  The Bible says to “let him sing praise.”   When you are cheerful you may find yourself singing praises!

    Is anyone among you sick?

    It doesn’t take long to hear about someone who is going through an illness or suffering from an unknown sickness.  When you have a friend or family member with an illness it is important to pray for them and have others pray as well.  You may never know how much of an encouragement your prayers may be to those going through the sickness.  God can work miracles and bring healing through your prayers.

    Is anyone among you suffering?  Let him pray.  Is anyone cheerful? Let him sing praise.  Is anyone among you sick?  Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. – James 5:13-14

    Photo by Candie_N

  • Song: “It Is You” by Newsboys

    Jake and I were able to attend the Winter Jam 2011 when they came to Greenville, SC and hear the Newsboys in concert that night.  “It Is You” was one of the songs I enjoy from the Newsboys.  It realigns my focus and helps me remember who/what life truly is about.

  • Song: “Beautiful” by Francesca Battistelli


    We were able to hear Francesca Battistelli in concert a couple months ago.  It was great hearing her sing and learn a little more about her.  She sang several songs that evening so it was hard to pick one of my favorites.  This song stands out to me and I love beautiful things.  The most beautiful gift I have been given is grace and mercy even though I am totally undeserving.


  • Song: “Rescue” by Newsong

    We got to hear Newsong in concert at Winter Jam 2011!  It was great hearing them sing, they have several really neat songs.  I picked this song for the week because He has to rescued me many times in the past and I know he will continue to in the future.  He is faithful every day even when I fail.