• Travel & Vacation: Ice Skating Show

    'Great times with my sweetheart!'

    Celebrating with my best friend!

    Loving our time together on the cruise! Thankful for a time to celebrate! We had a great day on the ship watching the ice skating show, going to various activities, getting a massage, and so much more!

    'Ice Skating Show'
    Watching the ice skating show aboard the ship!
    'It was a small ice skating rink but they did an awesome performance!'
    A lot of interesting costumes and neat performances during the show!
    'I am blessed to have this amazing man as my husband and best friend!'
    Thankful for a time to get away and spend together!
    'Loved these costumes!'
    Fun characters.  Jake and I went ice skating, but we did have any fancy moves or costumes!

    The “Travel and Vacation” series is an insight into our trips together as a family, ways we relax, and tips on how to make trips more enjoyable.  Life is short and we were thrilled to have the opportunity to build memories with family and explore of of the most amazing places during our time away.  Explore with a good attitude, look for fun, and it will be an awesome trip jammed packed with positive memories.  It is refreshing having some time away from the regular routine.  Make it a once in a lifetime opportunity to meet new people and learn.  You just might see or try something new that takes your breath away!

  • Travel & Vacation: Visiting Disney’s Epcot (Orlando, FL)


    My sweet princess!

    We saved Epcot to explore last since it was one that Jake wanted to go with us.  It was so much fun riding all the rides, exploring the various countries, watching the shows and so much more.  We had a blast, so much fun in fact that we decided that on our last day we wanted to go back to Epcot for one more day.  Thankful for a great time packed full of wonderful memories with my family.


    Feeding the manatees some lettuce


    Ready for a bright and sunny day at Epcot


    You can see this Epcot ball from our hotel


    Our picture from the Spaceship Earth adventure together


    Playing an energy game, pretty cool


    Brina racing her car


    We’re ready for the show!


    The Space section was a hit especially with Karlie!


    Our first Mission Space ride.  They generously chose to do the “green” (aka easy level) first since I get sick on some rides.  Thankfully we all survived!


    Delicious snack at one of the bakeries!  We split this heart shaped waffle with tasty jam inside.


    Stopping for a minute to rest while we check out the map for the next place we want to go.


    We’re ready and thankful for a moment to relax!


    The kids did amazing with their camel backs.  Not once they complain or get dehydrated or hungry (although we did have more potty breaks).

    Epcot, Dolphin Resort, Swan and Dolphin, Lights, Family, Disney, Walt Disney,

    Biotechnology Lab at Epcot.  It looks really neat and you see all kinds of cool produce being grown that will be used in various Disney restaurants.  The only odd about this ride is the second time we road it there were animal (dog shape) paw prints in the sand (not sure where those came from).


    Turtle Talk with Crush – super cute and very interactive with the audience!


    Living Seas Hydrolators and Seacab Ride


    Looks like the shark at a couple kids!


    Karlie is loving her time at Epcot