• Colorful Table Confetti

    Brina and Karlie set the table…… plates, forks, spoons, napkins AND silly bands!

    The other day as I was cooking dinner I asked the girls to set the table.  I heard a few whispers and giggles but really didn’t think anything of it until it was time to put the food on the table.  It was when I walked over to the table to set the food down that I realized the meaning behind all the giggling…..they had added extra color to the table.

    They took a bunch of colorful silly bands and spread them out over the top of the table in between the plates and called it “table top confetti”!  I love it when the girls do something spontaneous and creative.  They were so proud of their beautiful table.  The themed silly bands would be a perfect table top confetti for birthday party table, thanks kiddos for giving me an idea!  Plus the silly bands were much easier to clean up compared to the tiny pieces of confetti!