• Hug in the Mail

    Karlie sending a hug in the mail to Daddy!

    When Jake was away on a trip the girls wanted to send him a hug since they couldn’t hug him in person.  If you cannot read the card it says:

    Since we cannot be there to “hug” you in person we are sending you a “mail hug”. I love you Babycake! Spread out the hands in the card and that is the biggest hug the person who did it can give you. XOXO

    Laying down with her arms spread out as wide so she can give Daddy the biggest hug possible!  I traced her hands on the paper and cut a string of thread the length of her arms and taped it to the back of the hands after she decorated it.

    Karlie showing off her giant hug!

    Karlie’s Message – “I love you Daddy. You are the best. Good is fun. I love you.”

    Brina decorating her mail hug for Daddy!

    Brina showing off her hug that she is sending to Daddy!

    Sending my Handsome Man a hug in the mail!