• STEM Event at Roper Mountain Science Center


    Jake & Brina working on her model!


      Karlie’s creation is done, now it’s ready to see if it will survive the test! She’s proud of her creation and confident it will pass the testing….


    Brina adding the finishing touches on her creation!


    All ready for testing! Proud of her cool design.


    Karlie watching carefully as they get ready to drop the big board on her creation. The goal was to make a creation out of the bag of goodies that they give you that will not change its shape once the board has been dropped on it (including none of the balloons popping). She did it!!!Brina putting her creation on the testing platform, she was concerned about her balloons popping, but it passed with flying colors! Way to go Brina!


    Jake was a pro in no time at riding the Segway!


    Brina riding a Segway all by herself, she did well!


    Karlie learning how to ride the Segway!  She’s getting the hang of it!

    STEM Event at Roper Mountain Science Center

    Karlie watching the show at the Planetarium