• Celebrating Valentine’s Day!

    Sphero, Valentines Day, Birthday, Brina, Karlie, Grandpa, Grandma, Celebration, Family,

    Heart cinnamon rolls to start off the Valentine’s Day weekend!  Friday’s breakfast!

    The girls did not have to go to school the Friday before Valentine’s Day which was really nice.  My parents were also visiting us from Kansas that weekend.  The first couple of days they stayed at my brother’s house and the last half of their stay at our house.  It was great spending time with family over the Valentine weekend.

    Sphero, Valentines Day, Birthday, Brina, Karlie, Grandpa, Grandma, Celebration, Family,

    Valentine goodies from Grandma Kay!


    Opening their gift.  Lots of great school supplies and some sweet treats too!


     Brina is ready to have some fun!