• On the Farm: Sand Pile Creations, Games, Hay Bale Climbing, and More!


    Four kids and a pile of sand results in multiple interesting creations including a huge sand jacuzzi!

    While staying at Grandpa and Grandma’s house this summer the girl’s cousins came over to spend a couple days with us.  The kids had a blast coming up with a lot of fun activities to do together.  It is amazing how long a big pile of sand can keep them occupied.  All the kids played well together and had a grand time at Grandpa and Grandma’s house!


    Grandma played several games with the kids.  We have a lively game of Skippo going on this time around.


    Oh my….they found a praying mantas in the yard.


    Who knows what cool bugs you will find in Kansas!


    Karlie, Midnight, and Nathan hanging out on top of the hay bale.


    Brandon and Brina trying to the dog to look at the camera, ha!


    Fun times at Grandpa and Grandma’s house!


    Thankful that the girls had some time to hang out with their cousins!


    Brina loves carrying around the dog!


    The kids running around the yard for 3 minutes to vent off some extra energy.  They were good sports and the dogs joined in on all the running around fun too!