• Travel & Vacation: Picnic and Hike Around Lily Lake


    Karlie and Brina hanging out at Lake Lily

    We head up to Lake Lily to have a picnic, walk around the Lily Lake Loop, and enjoy the scenery.  It was a beautiful day.  A little colder than we are used to in South Carolina.  We had a wonderful day with family!


    Dad trying one of Renelle’s Wasabi Seaweed Strips!  Spicy, crispy, and delicious!


    Fun at Lake Lily!


    Renelle brought these super cool hippo treats.  The outside was a crunchy cookie dipped in white chocolate and chips of chocolate.  The inside was a creamy chocolate.


    Pausing for a picture with Grandma Penny and Aunt Mary Ann on our hike around Lake Lily.


    Karlie wanted a picture with these cool fallen tree by the lake!


    The Rocky Mountains scenery is beautiful!


    Having fun in the Rocky Mountains!


    Grandpa Russell by Lake Lily!


    Gorgeous mountains around Lake Lily!


    Soaking in the scenery around the lake.


    Karlie all smiles on the hike around the lake.


    Grandpa Russell on a stroll at Lake Lily!


    Love spending time with my girls exploring.


    Karlie loves being outside!

  • Travel & Vacation: Colorado Wildlife


    Yes, there are bears near Estes Park!  We were driving and saw this guy across the river from us.

    We went on a road trip through the Rocky Mountains.  On our adventures we saw several animals.  The girls were thrilled to see so many neat animals that we don’t see everyday in South Carolina.  We went up through Estes Park, Colorado and made several stops throughout the day.  Thankful for some fun with family.


    Caught a quick picture of these critters as we were driving past.  Love that they are munching right off the road and hanging out near a patch of beautiful wild sunflowers.


    We drove past a field full of goats.  The girls were fascinated and excited!  They thought it was so cool that someone had so many goats.


    The brown speckled goat in the picture is not eating, she is checking out her newly born twin baby goats.  We could see glimpses of the baby goats, but I couldn’t get a close picture of the twin baby goats because their was an electric fence and the grass was too high.  They were tiny and adorable trying to stand up on their own.   The really cool part is that while we were there with our twin girls there was another set of twins watching twin goats being born on National Twin Day.  What is the likelihood that would happen, ha!


    Brina really wanted to take this little chipmunk home with her.  It may look cute….


    Ducks swimming around on the lake!


    The girls thought the ducks with the blue feathers were super cute!


    This little guy can up to say “hi” to me.  I think he was hoping for a treat!


    Hummingbirds are always fascinating to watch!


    This one about landed on my Dad’s finger.  So cool seeing their wings fluttering so quickly.


    Our wild bear!  The girls were super excited to see the bear!


          Munching on berries and relaxing on the rock.

  • Travel & Vacation: Rocky Mountains, Glen Haven General Store, & Baldpate Inn


    Hanging out in Colorado for a few days!

    The girls and I had the opportunity to travel out to Colorado recently to visit family.  My parents drove out with us and my cousin graciously let the three of us crash at her house and my parents stayed with my Aunt and Uncle.  Thankful for some time to catch up with family and explore the area!  We had a blast in Colorado.


    We drove up by Estes Park, it was completely changed since our trip in July 2012 due to the massive flooding they had back in September 2013.  The river, rocks, and roads were totally different.  It was quite sad to see some of the damage as well as many homes and businesses that were destroyed.  We stopped at one point to get out and stretch our legs.  The girls took an opportunity to check out some cool Colorado rocks near the river.  They were still cleaning up the area, repairing the roads, homes, businesses, and bridges.


    Showing Aunt Renelle some cool stones they found.


    Looking at some stones they discovered with Grandma and Grandpa.


    When we stopped at Glen Haven two years ago and there was a strip of stores next to the Glen Haven General Store (now it is the only one left on that side of the road).  We ate their delicious and huge homemade cinnamon rolls!  Thanks Renelle for sharing!


    Renelle showing the Brina a cool goodie she got up for them!


    Anyone want to eat a bag of rocks?!   How about chocolate rocks?  Funky, but yummy!


    We made a stop at The Baldpate Inn for some coffee, hot chocolate, and tea.  The girls relaxing on the Baldpate Inn’s cool porch swing!


    Karlie checking out all the keys!  Inside the Baldpate Inn they had a room full of keys hanging on the walls and ceiling from all over the world.  They even had a key from Hilter’s house, one from a bank Jesse and Frank James robbed, and many other really neat ones!


    We finally found the stash of South Carolina keys.  They had so many keys you could look them up by name, location, or a number of other details.


    Another favorite spot Karlie found…..they had a library, music, and game room at Baldpate Inn.  She was content to sit and read!


    Relaxing on the porch at the Baldpate Inn!


    Enjoying the beautiful view as we sip our hot coffee and chocolate!


    Brina mesmerized by the hummingbirds!


    The girls and I shared a cup of hot chocolate at Baldpate Inn, delicious!


    If you are near Estes Park the Baldpate Inn is a fun place to stop by for a treat, meal, or you can stay overnight too!


    Back at Uncle Rick and Aunt Mary Ann’s sharing stories and laughs!