• Organized Chaos: Picnic & Travel Supplies


    Our Picnic and Travel Supplies Organized

    Our family loves to be outside and travel!  We keep some of the travel supplies we use regularly on hand for these occasions so that we are prepared.  We don’t always need all these items for each trip or when we go outside, but when it is necessary it is easy to locate so we can use them.

    These small containers with lids that we used for the picnic and travel supplies, you can find for a $1 at Dollar Tree, have been useful in helping our family get and stay organized!  Once the items are placed in containers, we put the lid on, and labeled them. We picked up the shelving a long time ago at Sam’s Club, but you can find it at a number of stores including Walmart, Target, Home Depot, and more.

    Picnic & Travel Supply label ideas to get you started:

    • Sunblock
    • Bug Repellent Bands
    • Hand Sanitizer / Wet Wipes
    • Disposable Forks
    • Disposable Spoons
    • Disposable Knives
    • Disposable Utensil Sets
    • Decorative Tape
    • Candy Gifts

    Most of these items probably make sense to you, except maybe the Decorative Tape and the Candy Gifts.  Well, let me explain why those are in this section as well and on the shelf with the other travel items.  The decorative tape is used usually before we travel to make or decorate a special surprise for the kids (especially if it is a long trip).  Sometimes we have actually brought a roll with us as we travel for various fun activities during the travel.   We do use the decorative tape for other occasions as well, but for the most part it used before traveling adventures.  The candy gifts are in the travel section because when we go on long road trips, usually 5 hours or longer, we try to pack special treats for the kids to enjoy along the way.  This helps break up the trip for them.  I usually get the treats a various times throughout the year as I find great deals and put them into the container.  As we prepare to leave for an upcoming trip I pull out a couple items and we are good to go.


     Disposable utensils, decorative tape, and candy gifts!  Ready for the next road trip adventure!


    The Picnic & Travel Supplies are organized on the middle shelf in this picture!