Class is Knowing What to Say …
10 Things God Wants You to Remember….
Song: “Lead Me to the Cross” by Hillsong
This song reminds me of the things that I treasure in life and points me back to where my focus should really be, at the cross. I tend to hold tightly onto things in my life (my husband, children, security when money is in the bank, my time, schedule, etc….) While all those things are good things to spend my time and energy on when they become my focus I am not allowing God to work through my life. If my heart reflects the love of God then all the other “stuff” will fall into place. When I focus on serving Him then I am a better wife, Mom, and steward of my money and time. Sometimes I need a gentle reminder of the top priorities in my life. Thank you Jesus for sacrificing your life on the cross so I can live and reach out to others.