• Summer Activities – A Hammock Full of Memories

    Swinging and relaxing for a few minutes in the Hammock!

    A few months ago for Mother’s Day Jake gave me a hammock!  It wasn’t until this Summer that I realized how much the gift meant to me.  As a family we have spent some wonderful time together talking, laughing, reading, and just relaxing together in the hammock.  Jake hung the hammock in the shady part of our yard near the jungle gym, swimming pool, and where I can see the majority of the yard, house and driveway.

    Karlie hanging out with us on the hammock!

    Once Karlie was done swimming she ran inside the house to change so she could have some relaxing time on the hammock with Mom and Dad.  I cannot count the number of times she has fallen asleep on the hammock as we enjoy time together.

    Brina loving the extra time talking and relaxing with Mom, Dad and Karlie.

    The girls love getting a chance to swing on the hammock with Mom and Dad.  They have a blast talking about anything and everything.  It is a great location to have some heart to heart as well as reminisce about all the fun memories we have together as a family.

    Skipper, our faithful guard dog while the family enjoys time on the hammock.

    After Skipper has made a complete loop around the entire property she will settle down at a spot right next to the hammock.  She occasionally will look at us but for the most part she is checking out all the activity in the woods and creek area.  Although she has never been on the hammock she seems to enjoy it when the entire family is outside nearby.

    A moment of rest.

    Every once in awhile when we are on the hammock the girls will fall asleep.  It is such a great place to spend a few moments together.  Life has a way of getting so busy that we need some time to stop, focus on each family member, enjoy being outside and relax.

    A peaceful view of nature!

    This is the view looking up from the hammock.  You can enjoy the beautiful trees, baby blue sky, and white puffy clouds floating by.  Just looking up and watching the leaves rustle in the breeze and the clouds drifting by makes the time relaxing even better.

    I have gone out many times over the last few months to relax, read, think, pray, do my devotions, write, brain storm, or hang out with Jake and / or the girls.  I am thankful for a thoughtful husband who gave me a gift that not only helps me relax but to slow down and enjoy a few precious moments with him and the girls.  Our hammock is so much more then just a hammock it is full of relaxing moments sharing memories together as a family.  Sometimes it is the simple things in life that make the most treasured memories for our children.  I am already looking forward to watching the leaves change colors as we move closer to the Fall season.

  • Summer Activities: Fun Family Day at Home!

    School’s out and the summer heat is here. We love spending time as a family outside, however, some of that time involves finding cool activities to do during the summer heat.  There is always something fun to do during the girls summer vacation away from school.  Below are some of the fun adventures we did on a recent Saturday together.

    Swimming in the Pool

    Brina and Karlie Swimming in the Pool!

    Eating Ice Cream

    Daddy, Karlie, Brina and Skipper enjoying a bowl of ice cream on the front porch!

    Napping in the Hammock

    Karlie snoozing in the shade on the hammock after a swim in the pool!

    Playing Under the Jungle Gym – Sand Fun

    Brina "cleaning" the sand off the Jungle Gym after swimming in the pool!

    Science Experiments

    Growing Rocks in a Rainbow of Colors! Since one of the girls is into "sharks" I choose a shark background for this experiment.


    Brina and Karlie watching the rocks grow! It was an interesting experiment over a couple days!


  • Family Celebrations: Happy Mother’s Day

    Relaxing in the Hammock with my girls!

    Jake got me a hammock for Mother’s Day.  The girls and I enjoyed some time relaxing, laughing, talking and reading stories together in the hammock on Sunday.

    Karlie told me “Mom, I think you’ll have a lot of fun relaxing in your hammock, you can read a book or read the Bible and talk to God outside now!”

    Brina caught a couple little ladybugs to take on the hammock with us “They like to relax and swing too Mom!”

    I am blessed with two beautiful thoughtful girls and a sweet husband.  This year the girls planned Mothers Day from Breakfast in Bed to the gifts and activities.  It was a fun, memorable and relaxing day with the family. My cup truly runeth over….there was a time in my life when I wondered if I would ever have kids and a family of my own.  Thankful that God chose to bless me with these two wonderful daughters.  Being a Mom brings so many precious rewards, fun, and laughter.

    • Breakfast in Bed – Brina and Karlie brought me Cinnamon Raisin Toast, Fresh Fruit (Strawberries, Pineapple, Cantelope, Honeydew, Mango, & Grapes) and a Strawberry Lemonade Fruit Slushy, delicious!  (sorry no pictures of the breakfast in bed)


    Sweet Mother's Day Cards the girls made at school!

    The girls had fun “surprising” me with their goodies!  Their cards were so cute!

    Mother's Day Picture Frames Brina and Karlie made in Sunday School!

    The girls were so excited to make these special picture frames in Sunday School.

    Brina and Karlie having fun relaxing on the wooden swing Jake made me several years ago! Thanks Handsome!

    After church we came home and spent time relaxing together.  We enjoyed the beautiful day outside in the yard!

    Freshly picked bouquet of dandelions "lions" and clover compliments of Karlie!

    After lunch Karlie went outside to get a special Mother’s Day surprise for me.  She came back in with a handful of freshly picked dandelions and clover.

    Mother's Day gift from the girls!

    It is the gifts from the heart – the hug, kind word, and thoughtfulness that mean the world to me!  At the same time as I celebrate this amazing day with my family my heart and prayers go out to those who have lost their Moms or who are unable to have children.  Every life is a gift and every day is a treasure from above.   I am thankful for the many blessings (both family and friends) in my life.