• Quick Tip – Recipe on the Bowl

    Dry Erase Marker on the Bowl

    Recipe written on a bowl with a dry erase marker!

    The other day while Jake was making a meal he prepped another  meal for the following day.    Since he prepped the meal and I was the one who was going to make the meal the following day he wrote the directions with a dry erase marker on the outside of the stainless steel bowl holding some of the ingredients.  When I opened the fridge the next day I saw the bowl with all the directions on it.  It was awesome pulling out the bowl, following the directions, and enjoying a delicious meal with the family.   After dinner all I had to do was wash the bowl and all the dry erase marker came right off.  Thankful for a husband who is thoughtful, creative, and willing to help around the house.  It was a great meal too!  Thanks Babe!