• Yard Sale Deals: Children’s Books

    I only had the opportunity to go to a few yard sales this summer with all the traveling, however, a couple of the ones I went to were awesome!  Our family LOVES books!  I have always encouraged the girls to read both with us and without us.  They enjoy reading and we do our best to read to them every day as well.

    One Saturday I went to a yard sale that was being given by a retired elementary school teacher.   I didn’t get there until about mid-morning and she still had a couple big boxes of books.  I picked up 49 children’s books for $3.50, making them 7 cents each.  Most of the books were paperback, one was a Veggie Tales Devotional, a few hardbacks, and several beginning readers ones that are perfect for the girls as they continue to improve their reading skills.

    The girls were VERY excited about the book on top, “Apple Trouble” because it was a book we read together a couple years ago from the library that they really enjoyed.  Of course it was the first book I read to them when we got home from the yard sales.  Other than removing the stickers with the teachers name on it and a few disinfectant wipes the books were as good as new.  I purchased a couple crafts and some brown paper bags for activities from that yard sale as well which have come in handy over the summer with the girls. What great deals have you found at yard sales recently?

  • Book: “There’s a Wocket in My Pocket” by Dr. Seuss

    Our family enjoys quite a few of Dr. Seuss’s books!  His book There’s a Wocket in My Pocket! by Dr. Suess has been a favorite for a long time.  When Jake and I were dating in college I purchased this book and a small stuffed frog for his “Zillow on his Pillow”.  We have read the girls the book and told them the story of Daddy’s “Zillow” many times.  They now have “Zillows” of their own after reading the book and hearing  Daddy’s story.  It is a great kids book that’s fun to read with them!