• Fresh & Healthy: Simple Creative Summer Snacks

    Our girls love to eat a snack outside on the front porch, at the picnic table, jungle gym or really anywhere outside especially during the summer months.  They always love it when I bring out something special and creative for them to eat.  It is so sweet hearing their comments as they are munching on their goodies.  I don’t do anything too elaborate or time consuming so it doesn’t take any extra time but the kids get so excited about their “super cool” snacks you would think I spent hours putting it together.  The key is to use food items you already have in the cupboard or refrigerator and lay them out on a plate so they look appealing.  Here’s the items included in this snack:

    • 1 Decorated Star Shaped Ginger Snap Cookie
    • 5 Strawberry Malt Balls
    • Black Olives
    • Puffed Cheese Balls