• Heart Reflections: You Can Do Nothing

    I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing. – John 15:5

    I am in the process of reading several books right now and I came across this verse twice last week (probably a subtle hint or gentle reminder for me, hmmm…).  It is one that I have read many times throughout the years but the part that really struck me this time around was “apart from me you can do nothing”.   So all the time I spend trying to accomplish tasks in my own strength is worth nothing?  I really don’t want to waste my time, do you?

    How often do I try to do everything in my own strength or at least I want to feel like have some sort of control over what’s going on in my life?   More often then I want to admit!  What I really need to focus on is staying connected to the vine and drawing my strength, nourishment, support, and guidance from the one who really is in control of my life.

    Our family has grown many gardens so I am aware of the plant growing process.  When a piece of the branch or plant gets separated from the vine it dries up and ceases to produce any more fruit.  The vine is what brings the nutrients from the roots to the branches without it there would be no fruit. I don’t want to shrivel up, but rather I want to grow, flourish, and thrive producing a lot of fruit.  The main question to myself is – am I taking the steps to have that good fruit in my life by drawing my nutrition from the vine or am I starting to shrivel?

    I am praying that this verse will be a reminder to all of us of how important it is that we get our daily strength from the vine.  No matter what your circumstance is today you can be encouraged that God is in control and he will give you the nourishment you need for today.  Eventually you will be begin to God working through your heart and life to produce an abundance of beautiful fruit.  Take little steps today and start drawing nourishment from the vine.  Spend some time  praying, listening to a sermon, reading the scriptures, or singing praise and worship songs to help replenish your heart and keep you connected to the vine.

  • Heart Reflections: You Think You’re Safe

    Birds Nest Safely hidden away

    One day as our family was spending time outside cleaning up the yard and gardens something caught my eye.  In one of our small holly trees was a little birds nest.  It was nestled snugly into the trees branches with a road only a couple feet away, across the street from a cat, and on our side of the yard where a dog and kids were running around.   The nest was so low to the ground that the girls were able to look into it.  For weeks they kept checking to see if the bird was coming back.

    It must have been a quiet day on our street for a bird to think that the location she had chosen was a good one especially with it being next to a road, cat, dog, kids, and close to the ground.  The bird must have felt safe in the shelter of the tree despite all the danger around her.  As I thought more about the little bird who lived in that nest it made me think about my life.  How often do I go through life thinking my heart, life, and soul is safe?

    I believe the bird felt protection and safety from the tiny leaves surrounding the nest, however, danger was all around it.  As we go through life we will encounter hills and valleys.  Sometimes we have a false sense of security in things (money in the bank, our health, family unity, etc…) much like the false sense of security the leaves provided the bird.

    Yes, bad things happen to good people, but there are ways to help protect us from falling and that teach us how to be a better Child of God, Wife, Mom, and Friend.

    • Personal Relationship with Him – a heart focused above
    • Reading the Scriptures – not only does this bring you knowledge but it gives you hope, wisdom, and encouragement.
    • Prayer – an on-going dialogue

    Someone recently asked the question in our church Community Group – how much time did you spend reading God’s word this week?  Honestly, my answer some weeks is pretty embarrassing.  I often fill my days with good activities but somehow neglect the most important activity.  Taking time to read God’s word, pray, and having a personal relationship with Him is the best way to not only find contentment but to truly be safe and protected.

    The birds nest is easily seen from up above much like God sees me.  He sees my heart, accepts me for who I am, and challenges me to grow.    Where is your safety found?

    A beautifully crafted bird nest exposed to the world. 

    Love seeing the handiwork of God’s creatures, simply amazing!

  • Song: “The Motions” by Matthew West

    When life gets busy it is easy to just go through the “motions”.  Yesterday our Pastor discussed the topic of prayer and how we need to look at prayer differently.  So many of us just go through the “motions” without even thinking about the deeper meaning behind prayer.  Having the open channel of communication with our Heavenly Father is not only beneficial it is essential.  It puts a whole new meaning on pray without ceasing!  What “motions” are you just going through today?  Take a few moments to quiet your heart and mind so you can focus on what’s important.


  • Happy Birthday Brina & Karlie!!!

    Today is my little ones birthday!  It seems like it was yesterday we were in the hospital and NICU with them.  Even though their due date was in April they decided to come 7 weeks early.  They have brought so much joy and laughter to our life!  It has been wonderful watching them learn and grow.  We pray daily that God will continue to develop them into beautiful young women with a heart for Him.

    Happy 6th Birthday Brina & Karlie!!!

    Our sweet girls - Karlie and Brina!

    This picture was taken a couple months ago.  Now both girls have glasses!

  • Book: “My Good Night Devotions” by Susan Lingo

    We purchased “My Good Night Devotions” by Susan Lingo at Goodwill for $0.25 after reading through a couple stories, our copy has a couple markings in it but otherwise in great condition.  It has 45 devotional stories for kids.    The girls LOVE it!  Each lesson has a short scripture verse, a story, thinking time (with a 1 to 3 questions), prayer and sleeping time game or activity for them to go to bed thinking about.  Brina and Karlie’s favorite character is “Night Light” a little firefly that is hidden in each picture and throughout the devotional.  If you are looking for a neat devotional that shows how God’s Word works in everyday situations for your young kids check out this book.

  • Song: “Healing Begins” Tenth Avenue North


    It is easy to put walls up around us when we are going through a trial.  The tough times are when God is molding and stretching us.  Just because someone looks like they have it all together, doesn’t mean everything’s perfect, God knows our hearts.   Having the support and prayers of family, friends, and church body makes an eternal impact on our lives.  Do you have family and friends praying for you?  Are your walls coming down?

  • Song: “I Want to be Just Like You” by Phillips Craig & Dean

    What a great song! It is not always easy being a parent. We will leave an imprint on the lives of our children. What will that imprint look like?

    Thankfully we have a wonderful heavenly Father that helps us daily demonstrate God’s love to our children. The amazing part is He still loves us (and our children) even when we fail, which is often. Our children watch us everyday. My prayer is that our words and actions have a positive eternal impact on their lives and hearts. May we learn to be better examples of Christ’s love and grace to those in our lives.