• Travel & Vacation: Homewood Suites & Paddington Movie (Atlanta, GA)


     Swimming at the pool

    On a recent trip to Atlanta, Georgia we stayed at the Homewood Suites.  The girls were begging to go swimming so on the first day we were there we wrapped up early and headed back to the hotel so they could swim.  It was in the high 70’s that day, however, they had just filled the pool a couple days before we arrived so the water was freezing cold.  Both kids got into the pool, but Brina was done after a few minutes.  Karlie stayed in a little longer, although it wasn’t much fun swimming by herself.  The entire time we were at the hotel we didn’t see one other person in the pool….I wonder why?!

    Since we scrapped our pool time activity we decided to look for some other activities that we could do together that night.  We headed back to the room to re-group and figure out what we wanted to do that evening. While the girls got dressed Jake and I made dinner in the hotel room.  It was nice having one with a fridge, sink, dishwasher, microwave, and oven so we could eat at the hotel!

    Jake found a movie theater nearby where you can get movie tickets for $3 each and they were showing some good kids movies so we decided to check it out.  It was only a few miles away inside a open shopping mall and market.  We chose to watch the movie Paddington with the girls at the Venture Theater

    It was a cute movie.  I seriously cannot remember the last time our family went to the movie theater so this was a special treat for the kids.  Usually it is so expensive just to go to the movies so we usually wait until it comes out on video.  It was a nice activity for the four of us and only cost $12!  The kids enjoyed the movie.  Jake and I had a couple good laughs too.  Thankful for a fun evening with the family.  Sometimes even the best of plans don’t go as expected so it’s always a good idea to have a Plan B.


    Ready for the movie to start


     Karlie is focused


     Our kids typically don’t sleep in very late so one morning after breakfast we spent some time playing games until the place we were going to that day opened.  During the evenings after dinner if we had time and everyone wasn’t too tired we would play some card games too.  It’s always a good idea to bring card games because you never know when you’ll have a few minutes of down time to relax and have fun.


    Karlie relaxing on the couch at the hotel.


     Brina setting up the game

    Travel & Vacation - Atlanta Zoo, Atlanta, Georgia -P1130704c

    It didn’t take them long to crash after a fun filled day in Atlanta!

    The “Travel and Vacation” series is an insight into our trips together as a family and ways we relax.  Life is short and we were thrilled to have the opportunity to build memories with family and explore of of the most amazing places during our time away.  Explore with a good attitude, look for fun, and it will be an awesome trip jammed packed with positive memories.  It is refreshing having some time away from the regular routine.  Make it a once in a lifetime opportunity to meet new people and learn.  You just might see or try something new that takes your breath away!

  • Playing Bananagrams

    game - bananagrams

    Brina reading me the directions to the Bananagrams game

    Our family enjoys games!  The kids are always up for playing a game.  Occasionally when we get done with homework early or have a little extra free time we try to find ways to have fun.  One of the things the kids will often ask me to do is play a game with them.

    On this particular day Brina wanted me to play Bananagrams with her.  I finished up dinner prep work while she got the game set up and read the game directions to me.   We had a great time playing the game together!

    It is important to me to take the extra time whenever possible to stop all the “busy work” that I need to do around the house and play with the kids.  I am thankful for our time playing together, the great laughs we shared, and for some wonderful conversations that took place during the game that day.  It was so worth it!

  • On the Farm: Wheat Harvest, Animals, Irrigation, and More!


    The girls were very excited to “help” Grandpa cut the last little bit of wheat harvest!

    Every day at Kansas is an adventure for the kids when they are visiting my parents on the farm.  They love exploring the different equipment, fields, and getting the opportunities to spend time with their grandparents while doing exciting farm activities.  It is always neat seeing them get excited about the things that I grew up with in Kansas.


    Brina and Karlie were thrilled to ride with Grandpa as he cut the last strip of wheat from harvest.


    The John Deere combine looks so big when you put the girls right in front of it.


    Bringing treats to the pony and horse!


    Riding Misty in the yard.


    Misty even got her mane breaded!  So pretty!


    Buzz standing still, but not sure about all this attention.


    Karlie petting Buzz


    Our gator crew (including the furry ones), such great helpers!


    A view of Dad and Mom’s house from the top of Windy Point.


    Walking the bridge again today!


    Grandpa instructed the four kids on what they are suppose to be doing for irrigation today.


    The race is on…..


    Midnight loves going to do irrigation too!


    Nathan concentrating on his work!


    Brandon won the race on that side!


    Our irrigation crew!  It’s a fun one!


    Helping Grandpa with irrigation!


    Even though it was freezing cold they had a blast running through the BIG SPRINKLER!


    The kids thought the sprinkler was great and were fascinated by it as well.

    On the Farm Grandparents Kansas

    Playing a game of card Monopoly with Grandma and cousins!

  • Family Activities: Enjoying Time with Extended Family

    I was going through some pictures (from the 2011 Fall Season) and realized I never posted anything about our visit from extended family members. My parents, little brother and grandparents were able to come out for a few days and spend some time with us. We were blessed to have some time with everyone. The girls LOVED having Grandpa Russell, Grandma Penny, Uncle Josh, Great Grandpa CE, and Great Grandma Willa staying at our house.  It reminds me of how important it is that we spend time with those we love whenever we have the opportunity to get together.

    Playing outside with Grandma.  Brina and Karlie blowing bubbles on Skipper while Skipper looks at me as if to say “do you see what I have to put up with!”

    Brina and Karlie giggling as they chase Skipper across the yard.

    No sleeping in Uncle Josh, it is time to play!  They don’t give him much of an option to rest with all their “Uncle Josh, let’s go…..Uncle Josh will you play with me, Uncle Josh…….”  Brina’s ready to go roller blading and Karlie has a lot of fun stories to tell!  Brina and Karlie have fun when Uncle Josh is over reading books and playing. 

    Convinced Uncle Josh to read them a few books.  Here they are reading a book from the library called “Hot Fudge”

    Playing a round of Wits & Wagers with Dad, Josh, Grandpa CE and Grandma Willa.  We received this game as a gift and since then have gotten several other family members and friends hooked on the game.  If you are looking for a great family game with a bunch of fun facts check out Wits & Wagers!

    It was a fun extended weekend with family.  We played games, read books, spent time outside, celebrated my nephew Nicholas’s first birthday and enjoyed great fellowship together.  I am truly grateful that the girls have the opportunity to spend time with not only their grandparents, but great grandparents as well as Aunts and Uncles.  It was a fun weekend full of great memories for everyone! 🙂