• Counting My Blessings: Week In Review

    It was a busy week, but we had a lot of fun.  The girls came into work with me first thing in the morning for a little bit.  They helped unlock the doors, turn on lights, and get set up for the day before spending time working on their summer workbooks for some time before I took them into camp.  They did a Music & Technology camp in the morning and a Rube Goldberg creative experiments in the afternoon.  It was super neat seeing what cool creations they developed over the course of the week.

    I want to be accountable to you so the following are snip-its of some of the things I am thankful for this past week.

    Counting My Blessings – Week In Review:

    Monday –Thankful for an opportunity to spend some time chatting with the girls on the way to work and their help getting everything set up for the day.

    Tuesday – Thankful to have an chance to see and hear all the neat things the girls are learning and creating in their week at Summer Camp.

    Wednesday – Thankful for a dentist near home, that gets me in for an early appointment, and that I didn’t have any cavities or items that need to be done! Yay!

    Thursday – Thankful for the girls curious and inquisitive minds.  They are not afraid to ask questions so they can learn more from people in various areas.

    Friday – Thankful for some quiet one-on-one time with Jake.  It was nice to relax, catch up, chat, and spend some time together.  Grateful for his thoughts and for being a sounding board regarding my crazy ideas.  He brings peace, calm, and great insight to areas that am I trying to figure out.

    Saturday – Thankful for an opportunity to spend time my family!  We got a lot of accomplished, but also had fun together!

    Sunday – Thankful for the freedom to attend church, learn, and grow.  Grateful for a refreshing and much needed moments with my family.

    What are you thankful for today?  I encourage you to take the time to write down a few blessings that you have in your life today.  It will help cheer you up and turn your focus on the amazing blessings you encounter each day.

  • What Are You Missing?

    crowds in subway Do you have days that get filled with so many activities and projects that you feel as if you are rushing from one item to the next?  Maybe it is just our schedule…… although I think we all need reminded occasionally of the important things in our lives. It is rather easy to fill your day with appointments, projects, and errands that need to be done both in our personal and professional lives.  Then there are days that unexpected emergencies pop up and demand our attention as well…..finishing an extra project at work with a co-worker that has a deadline, taking a sick child to the Doctor, visiting a friend that needs encouragement, a flat tire on the vehicle you are driving, and so many more.

    During these busy days I want to encourage you to remember those things that you are truly passionate about and the people in your life who are important to you.  We miss out on so many blessings in our lives because we do not pause long enough to notice and appreciate them.  I am blessed beyond measure with a loving husband, two beautiful daughters, amazing friends, a great business that helps others, comfortable home, food to eat, clothes to wear, and so much more.  However, on those rushed days it is harder to relax and be content even with the many blessings in my life because the little issues seem bigger and more stressful.  On those days it is even more critical that I focus any extra energy I have on that which is truly valuable.  It is amazing how quickly a thankful heart can lift your spirits.

    My heart goes out to so many who are going through a tough season in their lives right now.  May you be encouraged and know that no matter what your current circumstance may be we all have something to be thankful for in our lives.  As we go into the weekend think about what you are thankful for and pause for a moment to focus on that instead of all the inconveniences of life.  Relax and enjoy an incredible weekend focusing on your passions and the people in your life.  What are your passions?  Who are you thankful in your life?