• What’s for Breakfast: Easy Breakfast Clowns

    Easy Breakfast and Breakfast Note

    On this particular morning I was already up early and decided to do a little extra surprise for breakfast.  Although, this doesn’t happen every morning in our house because some days it takes everything I have just to get through the necessary steps to get everyone out the door for work and school.    Each girl got two  blueberry pancakes,  two sausages cut into half, and fresh grapes and strawberries for their main breakfast.  They also got their normal milk, juice, and multivitamins.  The girls are always excited to see something different at the breakfast table.  Seriously, sometimes the silly and simple things like the Easy Breakfast Clowns are all it takes to brighten their day.  It never hurts when you get the day off to a good start!

    Tip:  I like to make up a large batch of blueberry pancakes whenever we have them and freeze a bunch for future breakfasts.  It is easy to pull out a few frozen pancakes and have breakfast ready in a few minutes (plus there’s less of a mess).

    We are pretty consistent with our week day breakfast menu.  For each day of the work and school week Monday to Friday we have the same main menu item from week to week the only thing that changes is the “extra item” we add each day such as an egg, sausage, fresh fruit, cottage cheese, bacon, smoothies, or other items that we have in the kitchen.  During the school week the girls always have their main breakfast, at least one side (usually fruit, sausage, egg, etc…), vitamins, milk (one has non-dairy milk due to allergies), and small glass of juice.  When I am ambitious, awake, and my creative juices are flowing I will add a little extra silliness to make breakfast more enjoyable for the kids.

    Here is what our breakfast menu looks like this week (the items in parenthesis are examples of the extra items we will add and change from week to week):

    • Monday – English Muffins (Egg)
    • Tuesday – Toast (Cottage Cheese)
    • Wednesday – Cereal (Smoothie)
    • Thursday – Pancakes, Poptarts, or Oatmeal (Fresh Fruit)
    • Friday – Bagel (Bacon)
    • Saturday – Family Brunch (a lot of times we make Saturday breakfast together and it is whatever sounds good that morning or a new dish we want to try out.  It is not always planned in advance and could be an egg or breakfast casserole, omelets, hashbrowns, waffles, pancakes, etc… this is our big family meal of the day since Saturdays are often spent with extended family, friends, or doing other afternoon and evening activities)  Since we make more complicated breakfasts on Saturdays it is usually between 8 to 10 before we sit down to eat therefore they have become our Family Brunch.
    • Sunday – Make Your Own Breakfast (everyone makes their own breakfast before church which is usually something easy like cereal, toast, poptarts, oatmeal, smoothie, etc….)

    We first started doing a different main breakfast item everyday a few years ago because I have one child who if she eats the same thing too many times in a row she stops eating.  Adding a little variety from day to day was enough to keep her motivated to eat breakfast.  It wasn’t until several months later when the girls pointed it out that I realized that we do the same main item on the same day every week.  “Mom, Tuesday is Toast Day…..”  So now it has become our rotating breakfast menu which helps keep us on track because we know exactly what we need to prepare for the next breakfast.  Plus the girls are sometimes still waking up when they come to breakfast and the morning menu helps them figure out the day of the week as well as prepares them for the upcoming activities they have that day.

    There are times I will mix it up (just for fun) or Jake will get up first and make breakfast!  The girls don’t hesitate to let him know if he makes a main food item on the wrong day….ha!  Our breakfasts are not fancy, but it gets us up and started for the day.  What do you make for your family breakfasts?

  • Chef Brina

    Brina loves helping in the kitchen.  The other day she wanted to make blueberry pancakes for breakfast.  She did Christmas shapes and the letters for each family member which was a lot of fun.  The pancakes turned out amazing.  She did an awesome job making breakfast.  Love seeing my girls get excited about helping in the kitchen.  They are growing up fast and learning so much.  I have really been enjoying having my girls home for the Christmas Holiday.

    My snowman pancake made by Brina

    Jake got a candy cane – the red is blended strawberries (love using strawberries on our pancakes!)

  • Family Celebrations: Girls Birthday!

    Happy Birthday Banner for Brina and Karlie!!!

    The girls had a blast celebrating their sixth birthday!  We made the day special for them and had fun!  It is still hard to believe that they are growing up so quickly.  Here are a few shots from our adventures on their birthday!

    Birthday Breakfast - Blueberry Bear Pancakes & Banana Pudding with Star Candles
    Brina and Karlie LOVE writing in their notebooks. At breakfast they got a pretty princess notepad with purple fluffy pen! Super exciting and cute! (Even better is I found them on clearance at Walmart.)
    Karlie playing with her little pony at TGI Friday's
    Brina playing with her little pony at the restaurant - TGI Friday's
    We celebrated their birthday dinner at TGI Friday's!
    Brina and Karlie enjoying their caramel & chocolate ice cream birthday sundae's at TGI Friday's!!! So delicious they got it all over themselves!
    Karlie and Brina using their gift certificates at Toys R Us!
    Brina picked out a pink & white puppy and baby doll supplies at Toys R Us!
    Karlie and Brina sharing their birthday goodies!
    Daddy helping Karlie putting together her Hot Wheels truck!
    Brina LOVES her horses, the stable, and books! We read one right away then put the horse and book back in the stable!
    Karlie so excited about her Stomp ROCKET! She even blasted a few off in the house that night!
    Brina and Karlie coming downstairs for some more birthday fun!
    Brina having a blast riding the go cart in the front yard! Peddle FASTER!!!

    Look Out MOM!!! Karlie's driving fast and you're in the way! Use the breaks!!!

    I have been very blessed with a sweet family.  Even though I am still in shock that my baby girls are 6 years old I am thankful for them and the privilege of watching them grow up.  Wishing them many more awesome years together!

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  • Celebrating Valentine’s Day!

    We love Holidays at our house!  It is a wonderful time to celebrate with those you love and making more wonderful memories together!  We started our weekend of fun on Friday.  Jake and I had the opportunity, through swapping babysitting with friends, to go out for our Valentine’s celebration on Friday, February 11th.  I will be sharing a little more about our adventure throughout the week.   It was amazing time with my man and many great new memories were made.  On Sunday we made blueberry heart pancakes with strawberry sauce and had the left overs this morning for breakfast!

    Making pancakes with the family!

    Batter’s ready on for the pancakes, love turning everyday food into a fun celebration for special occasions!  If you are excited the whole family will have a blast too!

    Brina got a cup full of frozen blueberries all by herself to add to the pancake batter, so exciting!

    Brina helped get the blueberries out for the batter.  She got them out of the freezer, measured the blueberries, and mixed them into the batter before cooking the pancakes.  Even better is we talked about the memories behind the blueberries we were using.  We picked the blueberries fresh from a friends yard during a fun evening together.  Thankful for friends, fellowship, memories, and the opportunity to enjoy such amazing fruit during the winter season.

    Frozen blueberries now in the pancake batter!

    The blueberries are so delicious!  The girls always love it when we add them to their pancakes and I like that they are getting extra fruit!

    Baking the blueberry pancakes on the griddle!

    We purchased the heart shaped pancake form at Dollar Tree several years ago and still use them regularly (it came with a star and bear shape as well).  The girls enjoy getting super special shaped blueberry pancakes.

    The heart shaped blueberry pancakes are ready!

    The pancakes were delicious with the big juicy blueberries in the shape of a heart!

    Flash frozen whole strawberries!

    We pulled our flash frozen whole strawberries out.  The girls and I had a great time picking them at a local farm and froze the ones we didn’t eat right away.  One of our favorite ways to eat pancakes is with frozen pureed strawberries instead of syrup, healthier and delicious!

    Pureed strawberry sauce for the pancakes!

    Once the strawberries had thawed for awhile I pureed the strawberries to use as sauce to dip the pancakes into.  The family loves it and tastes amazing. We typically just puree the strawberries, if you want it a little sweeter you can add a little bit of sugar or honey.

    Fresh strawberry sauce for dipping the pancakes into!

    Everyone got their own strawberry dipping sauce dish for their blueberry pancakes.  Yummy!

    Ready to eat our pancakes with sprinkles and strawberry sauce!

    The fresh blueberry pancakes are ready to eat.  For an extra bonus we have hugs and kisses sprinkles as well as strawberry sauce for dipping!  Delicious!  What a fun way to start off the Valentine’s Day celebrations as a family!

  • Candy Cane Smile Pancakes!

    Now that our Christmas festivities are done with family and friends I am trying to come up ways to use some of the extra goodies.  Somehow throughout the various Holiday celebrations we accumulated a stack of candy canes and as we begin the first quarter of 2011 we are having fun finding ways to use up the remaining ones.  Instead of sprinkles on the girls pancakes we decided to have candy cane smiles.  They loved having minty pancakes for breakfast and the smiles added extra cheer for everyone, smiles really do spread cheer!  Do you have a creative recipe or way of finishing up the last few candy canes around your house?